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Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • That’s over 7 years old. Roughly the length of a generation. I think re-mastering console games from 2017 is reasonable in general.

    Not for HZD though. It was already one of the best-looking games on the PS4, and then they added a free upgrade for the PS4 Pro to get checkerboard 4k. Like… What’s left to improve?

    Maybe upgrade from checkerboard to full 4k? The FPS seemed fine for me playing on a base PS4, but perhaps there’s room for improvement there. The initial load time to open the game is pretty bad, but if you don’t switch between games often that’s not really a problem. I haven’t tried the PC version yet, but perhaps there were some UI improvements there they could apply to consoles?

    My main complaints with the game that I’d like to see fixed would probably be beyond the scope of the term “remaster”. The facial animations during dialogue were pretty uncanny in the base game, but they’re good in the DLC and sequel. Also the itemization system was clunky and felt like it was trying to be similar to an online multiplayer experience for some reason.

  • This post doesn’t include everything. There were a variety of hardware revisions and price cuts that you could add in. Plus the change of the price of games and accessories.

    I waited until 2011 to get my PS3. It was $150 for a slim model, and I chose the Uncharted 3 bundle for $200. I think it ended up being a pretty good deal. You mentioned Blu-Ray and DVD, but it was also good for a lot of streaming services. The PS3 pre-dated the rise of smart TV’s. I don’t think there were even Android boxes back then- the NVIDIA Shield and Amazon Fire Stick were both released in 2014, and the Chromecast was 2013. Media PC’s were a lot less common, and so were couch-friendly operating systems.

    Unrelated- the Deck is amazing. With PS1 and PS2 it’s really easy to rip your games on a PC and emulate them on the Deck. And with widescreen hacks, cheats, texture packs, save states, speed up, and slow down, plus the extra buttons to control it all, it’s even better than original hardware. PS3 is doable too, though there’s a lot more hoops to jump through and fewer emulation benefits. You can also use Chiaki to stream from your PS4/5, so it’s pretty close to having the whole library in the palm of your hands.

  • There’s a lot of things where there used to be good software, but it has been ruined by megacorps.

    Mint, for example. It started as a fantastic website to track your different financial accounts. It was simple and intuitive. Ad-supported, but not egregiously so. Then it got bought by Intuit. “Updates” removed features and previously available chart options to review your transactions. The ads got worse. I can’t remember if the app released before or after the Intuit buyout, but it started off with less features than the website and slowly became the better option as the website got worse. Then the app started getting worse with updates too. Finally it was shutdown this year, with Intuit recommending people use their other, similar, subscription-based software. I still haven’t found a proper replacement.

    Sonos is a great concept with a few fundamental flaws. I received a couple of units several years ago as a gift from the in-laws. The biggest issue is that if I want to have TV audio (from videogames or video streaming services), the only way to do that is to use a physical cable, but not all of the units have an auxiliary input. The system was always buggy, with delay and a not particularly responsive app. They famously rolled out a new version of their app earlier this year that… Had a ton of bugs and removed a lot of features, leading to the CEO apologizing (but not rolling anything back, lol).

    I remember when Adobe products used to be one-time purchases. There are of course alternatives today, but none of them are ever quite as good to actually use. Same thing with the Microsoft Office suite- I use it for work all the time, but for personal use I use LibreOffice. It gets the job done, but it’s way clunkier that Microsoft’s offering.

    Music Production is similar. Luckily I still have some Cakewalk software from before they went bankrupt that works, but the servers to verify the product activation code are down so that will only last as long as my current desktop does. I’ve tried using other software like Reaper, but it’s a big step down. I bought CakeWalk Sonar around 2013-2014-ish for ~$150 (which includes a large sample library). Pro-tools is a similarly featured program that does not seem to have an option to purchase, but instead has a $300/year annual subscription.

    I used to have Duolingo, but uninstalled when they got caught harvesting data they said they weren’t a few years ago.

    I used to use LoseIt to track my meals and exercise, and it helped me lost weight. I got out of the habit and went a while without using it, only to find out it had been enshittified too. The name changed to “Calorie Counter by LoseIt”, and the app has moved from a straightforward resource to trying to be a personal trainer. It wants to ask me questions about my emotional relationships with food and exercise. It’s trying to gather as much data as possible from me and then tell me what to do, when all I want is to be able to scan some barcodes and keep track of my calories and macros for the day. The last time I logged in I think it wanted me to upgrade to premium to track macros.

    Dark Skye was by far the best weather app. Until it got purchased by Apple so now I can’t use it.

    The UrbanSpoon was a fantastic app for finding nearby restaurants. Perhaps over time it would have faced the same issues that any other business-finding service faces: businesses are willing to pay for promotion, users leaving reviews for free is sketchy, bots and paid reviews exist, etc. Still, it was pretty good up until Zomayo bought it and shut it down.

    Maybe not software, but StumbleUpon was one of my favorite websites back when it existed. Once again, got bought by a corporation who shut it down when they couldn’t figure out how to monetize it properly. It feels like we just can’t have nice things- everything needs to be lining the pockets of a billionaire or it isn’t allowed to exist at all.

    Coordinating RGB components from different manufacturers and across different devices sucks. Coordinating smart devices without some dedicated piece of hardware spying on your whole house like Alexa sucks. I think I’ve seen some open-source attempts at unification, but the last time I looked into it that was still janky and annoying to deal with.

    Also why does every single business need its own app? I know the answer- it’s to harvest data, push notifications to encourage spending, and push loyalty rewards programs. But if everyone is harvesting my same data, isn’t that going to result in oversupply and devalue that in the market? Are these companies selling this data actually profitable? Apps, especially good ones, are expensive to make and maintain. Maybe that’s why the my seem to have gotten so much worse. I have wondered if maybe the answer is for businesses to join together with joint apps. Especially brands that are already owned by one company, like KFC and Taco Bell. Slice is an interesting app for local pizza places, and I could see that model taking off.

    It’s really hard for me to think of new software I would want when there’s so much old software that used to exist but has gotten ruined. I don’t want to become an old man yelling at a cloud, but I feel like everything has just gone straight downhill for around a decade. I even remember back around 2013 being in college and talking with friends about how Google search results seemed to be getting worse, and that’s gone downhill. Even the ideas I have, I am guessing probably already exist and have probably already been ruined.

    Most of those ideas are similar to a lot of the above apps: make it easy to do data entry on a regular basis, maybe pull in some additional information from publicly available datasets, and maybe send a reminder. Homeowner stuff like cleaning out the bathroom sink trap, keeping track of when/where appliances were purchased/serviced, keeping PDF’s of manuals together, looking out for recalls. Home inventory for tracking cleaning supplies,groceries, etc (although that might be too much data entry for me to ever want to do properly). I have a notebook where I keep track of the strings on our guitars that I would prefer to be digitized. A lot of stuff that could be handled with a generic calendar and/or spreadsheet, but could benefit from a dedicated application.

  • You cannot own love. You cannot own wonder. You cannot own joy. You cannot own the beauty of the universe.

    Desire is suffering. Why would you want to own a train? To seek to prevent others from admiring it? Nay, I posture, better let them run wild, for all to enjoy. To live free and reproduce in their natural habitats. To live along side is, not contained within a tiny rail network in your backyard or basement.

  • That’s assuming she gets them as kittens.

    Old cats are often considered less desirable. Parents want to get their kid a cute little kitten, not a 13 year old cat that’s going to trigger a conversation about mortality with their 5 year old human child soon.

    Kittens are also a pain in the ass. Bundles of energy with no manners.

    So my first thought is that she either fosters older cats or just adopts them to give them a good golden year or two on the way out.

    Or if she rescues strays there’s a greater risk of having health problems already.

    Or maybe she is evil as the comments suggest. I have no clue lol.

    1. I’m so fucking tired of pixel art games. And I’ve noticed recently that going back and playing actual 16 bit games with real pixels feels so much better. It’s hard to say for sure what it is, but I have a few theories.

    First, in old games that actually use pixels, everything has to snap to the grid. For these pixel art games running at 1080p or maybe higher, what is supposed to look like a pixel is actually a square made up of multiple pixels. In 16-bit games, a sprite can only move distances the same size as a pixel, but in these modern ones the “pixels” can move by fractions of their own size. It loses all the neat, discreet, visual appeal and becomes messy looking in my opinion.

    Second, the color pallet is too large. Old games had a limited selection of colors, and often in order to make the most of them the colors used would be significantly different from each other, while still all being part of a cohesive pallet. We are used to millions of colors, but consoles like the GameBoy Color and SNES only had ~32,000 to pick from total. The GameBoy Color also has a software limitation to only have 56 colors on-screen at once. Using a full, modern color pallet without those limitations allows for colors that are close to each other to be used. That’s great for 3D models where we are thing to mimic reality, but for pixel art it just makes everything look messy and sloppy. There needs to be a sharp, distinct contrast for pixels to be satisfying.

    Third, there’s just too much stuff happening. This I could probably adapt to, but I just have this expectation that pixel games should just be a few moving sprites and maybe a couple of background layers.

    1. The name “Arco” tells me absolutely nothing. It’s not memorable. It’s a complete blank slate that gets washed away. I’m not even certain if that’s just a proper noun from the game or if that’s just a different language word.

    2. A hybrid turn-based/real time strategy game? My instinct is that sounds like the worst of both worlds. It has been successful before- Transistor and Paper Mario come to mind. But in general, if in playing a turn-based game it’s because I want the chill, low-pressure experience. I probably want to be less than sober. And introducing real-time elements means that those games get pushed into the real-time category when I choose what I want to play and when. And if in playing a tacts game, 99% of the time in going to choose a turn-based one and get lit.

    3. As many others here have said, I’ve never heard of this game. I think this is a legitimate problem facing a lot industries, especially digital products. Doing some quick searching I found someone estimating that Spotify sees about 55 days worth of new audio uploaded every day. Everyone is creating and we don’t have enough to line to consume.

    Personally, I suspect that if I went through the exercise of looking at my Steam library and trying to project when I would be able to play through all of the games I currently own, it would probably exceed my life expectancy. Definitely if you add in all of my console game collection.

    There’s not a great solution. Corporations try to punch through the noise with marketing. One of the most important pieces of Steam as a platform is their ability to promote games. There are whole networks of influencers- streamers, video creators, podcasters, bloggers, magazine writers, etc all trying to help sort out the games worth playing.

    But the problem persists - there are too many games being made. And I don’t want to just say to put up more barriers to entry, because indie development is important for getting fresh new talent and ideas into the industry. Some of the best experiences I’ve had have been indie games, and some of the worst offenders for cranking out banal, mediocre time sucks have been huge corporations with giant marketing budgets.

    The only solution I can think of is more “platforms” rather than games. Minecraft, GTA V, Skyrim. Especially with mods, you can get a unique and interesting experience without having to invest into learning and understanding a whole new game.

  • That might work, but I’m not sure all of the tradeoffs would line up there.

    At $350-$400 you’re competing with the Steam Deck. I think that’s asking for failure. Sony might allow Linux on it (like the PS2 and PS3), but I would expect the main gaming OS to be fairly locked down with DRM. The Deck is a couple years old so maybe they could beat them on price/performance/battery life, but not by a huge amount of we are talking about the power to play PS4 games. They would have a miniscule fraction of the library, and probably not the track pads and key software to allow the Deck to play M&KB games.

    And then there is the Switch. The regular version is $270, the OLED is $330. Huge install library already. Plus you get the versatility of handheld and home use, plus the JoyCons (which there would be legal hurdles to try to copy). And the Switch 2 is right around the corner. I would bet (and I think Sony would too) that the Switch 2 is going to be a similar price and competitive performance/battery life. I don’t think you’re proposing would compete.

    And you’d still have the problem of splitting the dev base. I could be wrong, but I thought Sony announced they are no longer publishing for the PS4 (the last game would have been Lost Soul, but the PS4 version was canceled so the last game they published was MLB 2023) and expect 3rd parties to end in 2025. Heck, a PS5 Pro has been rumored for a while now. So it seems Sony is trying to get away from PS4 development.

    Don’t get me wrong- I like your idea. But i think something like that would be a sudden reversal of the direction Sony has been signalling they want to go for a few years now.

  • I see two unrelated articles that it hink address similar problems.

    For handhelds, Sony is good at making hardware, but has generally failed to develop a good library of 1st party games. In order to be successful, a platform needs enough hardware sales to be an enticing platform for 3rd party developers, but you need a game library to drive hardware sales. That’s where 1st party support comes in, and where Nintendo has generally been great with their handhelds. Sony tried to have a more even split, but ended up focusing on their home consoles when they were pushed.

    The second is emulation. Sony has a significant library of old games, and even more if you count 3rd party titles for Sony’s old consoles. Really popular games often merit full re-makes. Slightly less popular games get re-released or remastered, sometimes in collections. A lot of games aren’t popular enough for that, but if you could find a way to charge people anywhere from $1-$10 to play through the original version it would probably sell (and having a platform the 3rd party publishers to also sell their old PlayStation Roms would probably let Sony take a % for almost no additional work). The problem is… The Shadow of the Colossus remake released for $40 initially and is still $20 initially today. If we were able to pay $5 or $10 for the PS2 version back in 2018, would the remake have even been possible?

    Beyond that, does would a greater emphasis on releasing older games on emulators possibly cannibalize new game sales? Are there going to be people who, when GTA 6 releases for $70+micro transactions, would eye up Vice City or San Andreas for $5 or $10 and no micro transactions instead?

    I think they could address both issues with a retro handheld. Cheap Chinese retro handhelds have been really popular the past few years- imagine one with the build quality, controls, support, legitimacy, and increased price tag of being from Sony? If it could play PS1, PS2, And PSP games that a gigantic library available that’s mostly sitting idle right now. You could probably get by with a 480p screen too, although if Sony wanted a more premium feel 720p would still be fine. I’m also not sure if they would go 4:3, or expand to 16:9 to allow for the games that did support widescreen to use it, and for the PSP. Vita and PS3 would be cool, but I’ll assume they aren’t realistic for now.

    From my experience with the Steam Deck- having dedicated extra buttons for save states and fast forward/slow down/pause/rewind breathes tons of new life into old games. Not enough check points? Really long unskippabke cutscenes or load times? The classic “unskippabke cutscenes before a long and challenging boss fight that makes you rewatch the cutscene every time you die”? All solved with save states and fast forwarding. It also helps with these games being designed for longer play sessions than would be typical for a handheld.

    What I’m not certain of is- would this be differentiated enough to not cannibalize any new game sales? I suspect confining it to a separate, handheld platform would help to make it make sense. Maybe the dark horse candidate is Sony releasing a PC app on Steam as well, but I think cannibalization would be a different concern there.