Most SF guys I’ve known have been pretty chill. Some of the young guys are dumb assholes, but that’s hardly exclusive to the special forces community. They’re certainly given a lot more latitude than the rank and file, and that can go to their heads. Shitheels like this are not the norm, based on my limited perception and sample size (mainly us army SF).
Baba was probably the worst contestant they’ve ever had. I was hoping to warm up to him over the course of the series, but he brought precious little to the table. Jack was fine—a bit disappointing in light of how obviously excited Alex was to have finally got him on. Loved the other three, top marks for them!
Wasn’t a huge fan of the pub quiz. Loved the goose, and all of Andy’s prize tasks. Found Alex’s blatant efforts to tilt things Jack’s way kind of off-putting. Ignoring Baba’s obvious running in the maze task was disappointing. Glad Andy won, look forward to seeing him on CoC.