import Data.Char (isDigit)
main = interact solve
solve :: String -> String
solve = show . sum . map (read . (\x -> [head x, last x]) . filter isDigit) . lines
Part 2 was more of a struggle, though I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. I ended up using concatMap inits . tails to generate all substrings, in order of appearance so one3m becomes ["","o","on","one","one3","one3m","","n","ne","ne3","ne3m","","e","e3","e3m","","3","3m","","m",""]. I then wrote a function stringToDigit :: String-> Maybe Char which simultaneously filtered out the digits and standardised them as Chars.
import Data.List (inits, tails)
import Data.Char (isDigit, digitToInt)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
main = interact solve
solve :: String -> String
solve = show . sum . map (read . (\x -> [head x, last x]) . mapMaybe stringToDigit . concatMap inits . tails) . lines
-- |string of first&last digit| |find all the digits | |all substrings of line|
stringToDigit "one" = Just '1'
stringToDigit "two" = Just '2'
stringToDigit "three" = Just '3'
stringToDigit "four" = Just '4'
stringToDigit "five" = Just '5'
stringToDigit "six" = Just '6'
stringToDigit "seven" = Just '7'
stringToDigit "eight" = Just '8'
stringToDigit "nine" = Just '9'
stringToDigit [x]
| isDigit x = Just x
| otherwise = Nothing
stringToDigit _ = Nothing
I went a bit excessively Haskell with it, but I had my fun!
Part 1 felt fairly pretty simple in Haskell:
Part 2 was more of a struggle, though I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. I ended up using
concatMap inits . tails
to generate all substrings, in order of appearance soone3m
. I then wrote a functionstringToDigit :: String -> Maybe Char
which simultaneously filtered out the digits and standardised them asChar
s.I went a bit excessively Haskell with it, but I had my fun!