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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: January 18th, 2025

  • An important addition is that saying “we are animals” isn’t supposed to cut what we judge to be morally right or wrong.

    If anything, “We are animals” must be used to know that other animals may probably have similar introspection as us and we are unaware, thinking o ourselves as special kind of creature when it is far from being true.

    If, let’s say hypothetically, a cow do have not only feelings but also moral thought, thinking of a sacred "cow god/goddess) and having moral argument with fellow cows, then it just makes butchering them even more of a “crime” that it is already.

  • Edit: I sort of missed the first part talking shit about gen x liberals and dirt poor zoomers while also affirming that the republicans aren’t changing ^(Citation needed) and “based”. The nuance there is just a thin veil for hate speech.

    It requires a second or third reading to catch on this, but it is surely a bad take


    the post of the previous commenter was nuanced.

    usually it is a good thing, but since the far-right is blatantly nazi, there are some risk with “nuance”

    overall, the previous comment seems to be analyzing how this divide is happening.

    my only complaint is that the comment doesn’t make clear who are the fuckers who are driving the social divide (spoilers: the right who is nostalgic about the post-war period and want to create a “new” post war period by, well, going full nazi)

  • As someone said on reddit they don’t want a safe space for them.

    what they want is to be enabled to shit on everyone else’s food and smirk at us while we try to separate their shit from our beans.

    It is a power dynamic where they want to force their shit upon us.

    they already have their safe space on r/conservative where they go to circle jerk around “the left is bad”.

    They do get tired from that and there is no new “left is bad” if the entire political spectrum was composed of them.

    Far right and conservative hate is a self cannibalizing movement.

    Even if they killed all gay, black, hispanic, asian, autistic, disabled and any sort of “the other”, then, they would need to find new “others” to start to hate and kill. Their fight is always inward, against the enemy within.

    They will proceed to kill white people because either they are not white enough or that they are too white (“ginger” people which should’ve be considered the “correct type of white” if racism ever made any sense since they are paler than almost any other ethnicity).

    So, they need an existing enemy and a platform that enables them to shit on us.

    If they ever come to lemmy, the correct path is to ban as soon as they shou their true colors and start to throw shit around.

    It only requires a few probing question to know if someone is in good or bad faith.

    When the comment goes into 5 or more replies, it is almost always for sure that the conservative answering is in bad faith (only exception is if they clearly show that they are learning something with the discussion and adapting their viewpoints with each new comment)

  • I really feel the urge to correct the “infinite power part” because it hurts my soul as a (wannabe) physicist.

    There exist no thing like infinite energy generator because energy is always conserved (well, there are some weird corner cases this isn’t true, but that is another lesson).

    There are massive “transformators” of energy known as stars (like our Sun)which expel radiation in massive quantities thanks to its humongous size and will take billions of years until it grows into a giant red star and more billions of years until it explodes into a white dwarf (If I recall it correctly).

    Billions or even “measly” millions of years is basically “infinite” for human lifespan, I agree.

    But it still is finite.

    Fusion won’t be “infinite” (billions nor even millions of years) because it will be basically a “microscopic sun”

    We’d need something a bit bigger than Jupiter to get something closer to a “infinite-red-dwarf-energy-generator”.

    And Jupiter’s diameter is around 10 or 11 Earths diameter, so it is something that is already a big massive for humans to do.

    I’d say that photovoltaic cells for solar energy would be easier to make “infinite energy” becuse we are copying what the best “infinite energy users” (also known as plants) have been doing for millions of years.


  • I’d even say that it would make it “easier” to generate elements that are rare on earth for aplication purposes.

    The first example already sort of feasible is production (and storage) of Helium.

    And if we master (in the far, far future) both fusion and fission, then we can make almost any element “with ease”.

    Basically we would be able to do what the alchemist dreamed and be able to “turn stones to gold”.

    But nowadays, one of our “new gold” are rare earth like Neodymium for making magnets

    And there are other elements that are even rarer and would have massive applications only if they were little bit more abundant than they are now

    Now, again, that would be only true in a far, far future if (and a big if) we can truly master both fusion and fission (what I actually want to mean is that my comment is basically an “hallucination” similar to those on r/futurology)

  • There are a few misconceptions in your comment:

    While I do agree that there are other problems like racism and bigotry which existed before capitalism (based on an answer you gave in another comment) and while I do agree these also need to be addressed, I do disagree that capitalism isn’t a major source of problems of modernity.


    Because the cornerstone of capitalism is to use money to generate more money in a feedback loop towards (nonexistent) “infinite money” (which is different from feudalism, roman empire or ancient Egypt which all had some sort of market without being capitalist economies).

    SInce it is impossible to make infinity money, an inherent part of capitalism are the crises cycles of boom and bust.

    It also makes the creation of services as an afterthought (because making money is more important) and it is also tied to the enshitfication we’re seeing today.


    I think you’re calling as “capitalism” a thing that is actually “technological innovation (under capitalism)”

    We’re all aware of free/open source softwares

    We’re all aware that it is possible to develop technological innovation outside of capitalist framework (and again: Capitalism = Using money to make more (infinite) money)

    almost all of scientific researches advances are because of passion of the researches instead of the greed of capitalism.

    Yes… Everyone “needs” money to survive. But I hope you do agree that nobody in the world needs billions of dollars to simply survive.

    for God’s sake, a lot of people living in “third world” dream of earning 300 dollars a month to survive and consider that making 1000 dollars a month is a small luxury (I’m from brasil and 1000 dollars is around R$ 4000 or R$ 5000 while most people lives with R$3000 or less)

    What I’m saying is that, past the required money for surviving and for having a few “luxuries”, there is no need for anyone having millions or billions of dollars every month and that it would be possible to keep scientific and technological grow under such conditions because curiosity and desire for changes are part of human nature.

    if it was entirely impossible for humans to develop things without being paid before, then nothing around open/free software would exist.

  • nekbardrun@lemmy.worldtoEnough Musk Spam@lemmy.worldWTF
    1 month ago

    Nope. It is the far right gaining immense amount of power while both moderate right, left and “extreme left” are yelling at the terrorists (far right) wanting to crash the airplanes in the towers.

    Be aware that if you lean in the far right, you risk going down with the terrorists while the “osama bin laden” of this story (and to be clear, I mean Elon) will be hidden behind the safety of his bunker.

    Or if you like anime analogy (and spoilers of boku no hero academy): spoiler

    It is like trying to get favors from all for one in the hopes that he won’t fuck over your country (and the anime is explicit in saying that it isn a matter of if. Only when.)