Yeah that’s the worst, even if you just call them to ask if something is covered they will still make a note and use it against you.
Yeah that’s the worst, even if you just call them to ask if something is covered they will still make a note and use it against you.
Jeg tror også når der bruges kulkraft er det bedre for klima og miljøet at bruge en elbil bare fordi en kraftværk er med effektiv end en bilmotor?
People still use unitest instead of pytest fixtures?
You ate the other half yourself when you ordered the same dish 3 months ago
And redundancy, if one chain breaks you can still get home (or to someone with tools) and repair
Yeah looks like this one is only touching statues of little kids
Det virker som der er måske ikke nok transmissions kapacitet? Der er stor pris forskil ind i Norge
For the young people, all cars used to come with a glow plug in the dash to light your cigarette. When did they actually stop doing that?
The AI told her: yes you can ( but didnt say in the US not anywhere else)
Linear is probably a lot faster?
For a moment I thought it was showing the reflection of a huge fireball explosion
Jo men det bliver hurtig svært, er Palæstina en land folk må bruger deres utryknings frihed til at viser deres stolthed frem eller terror symbol som de burdes dømt for at billige? Jeg tror det prøver at undgå den slags spørgsmål
Ja det får mig næsten til købe en flagstang øg en hollandske flag bare for at udtrykke min kærlighed til Holland (som er ikke særlig stor eller ville jeg ikke bor her)
Yeah my ears hurt inside when outside
Ah Flour, not Fluor. Was wondering what you’d need 500 Tons of Fluor for