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Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Often times we get stuck in the what-if and it comes with a lot of anxiety and worry about trying to find the “right” thing to do or say. But what helps me is asking myself the question, “wouldn’t you rather know?”

    I’ve been denied by many beautiful women and I’ve been accepted by others I never thought I’d have a chance with. The only ones that I regret are the ones I never had the courage to ask. Life’s short my friend, don’t burden yourself with worry and wonder. Give it a try, just ask her honestly and be ok with whatever the answer is.

    If she just wants to help with the house? Great, you have a better chance of becoming friends now that you’re not worried about what she thinks of you. If she’s unsure or says yes, then just let things develop as they will. Worst case scenario, she doesn’t talk to you anymore…sad yes, but at least you can look for someone who wants you back!

  • Well that’s a more specific situation. Personally I try to get things done ahead of time in group projects. That just feels respectful to the others. I can agree that it’s a bit selfish to wait until the last minute when others can’t get their stuff done until I do.

    I just wanted to point out that procrastination shouldn’t be considered selfish. Different people have different working styles that work best for them. It’s a compromise to incorporate different working styles and the person who likes to do things right away and then relax should realize that there’s other styles and not everyone can operate the same way as them.

  • Woah woah woah… selfish behavior? What do you think you know about procrastinators?

    I love that I procrastinate. It helps me to think about the issue/task for a longer period of time and allows for freedom to complete other tasks or relax instead of constantly stressing about getting things done immediately. I used to complete jobs right away and was rewarded with ever increasing workloads until I broke down from the amount of stress put on me daily. Procrastination isn’t something done to spite or hurt another person/entity…you have me a deadline and I completed it before it was due. Shouldn’t matter how I went about completing it.

    Procrastinating has taught me how to work under intense pressure when it’s absolutely needed, and I can respond in the moment with confidence in my ability. It helps me to find time to be more connected with my coworkers without being overburdened with an ever-increasing workload. If I don’t take the time to be true to myself as a procrastinator, you will get less and less quality work out of me as my mental capacity becomes overloaded. It’s selfish to abuse those that want/need to take their time while still working under last minute pressure to get it done.

    Not everything is so black and white just because it doesn’t fit with your style of working.

  • Calling people out on their BS is the right line to draw for me personally, but I still want that person to have the right to express their opinion. We just need to teach people that it’s ok to be wrong as long as you can admit it and learn from it. No idea gets processed until pushed from an opposing party.

    Sitting back and doing nothing teaches nothing. Calling it appalling and informing the person why they’re wrong is the right step toward change. But if you can’t say it in a way that makes them hear you, then you’re doomed to have the argument all over again.

  • I- I don’t really know, sorry.

    II- Yeah I’m not really sure tbh.

    III- The purpose of your life is up to you. You are part of something bigger and no matter what you end up doing, you have a place in this crazy universe. Nothing would exist without you and you wouldn’t exist without everything else. Your balance is the world’s balance, and you’ll feel your purpose when you realize your connection and influence on everything around you. Also… 42

  • Just out of curiosity, how old are you? I was also recently diagnosed with “other specific” ADHD essentially meaning I show signs and symptoms but not to a level of a full diagnosis. I’m 38 years old and have always wondered despite finding different ways to cope or just stressing through life.

    I agree that it’s very validating to hear that some things are truly beyond your control. It can be so frustrating to internally want to complete a task, but externally get distracted by random things. The hard part is what to do about it now…I haven’t found medication that suits me, and I’ve managed well enough so far…but I’m still left wondering if there’s untapped potential in me if I could focus and stay on a single task instead of trying to tackle multiple tasks all at once.