

a cool (brr) dude

  • 41 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: May 14th, 2020


  • But it’s not a complex issue. Palestine has been reduced to a concentration camp by settler colonialists for decades. An armed uprising is the logical next step for them if the rest of the world has failed them. What’s complicated about that? You are just handwringing about civilian casualties without a hint of irony from your .uk domain and comparing Hamas (which Israel helped create btw) to Nazi Germany like a goddamned fool.

    The worst crimes of Hamas that you will hear of today will not even be a drop in a bucket compared to what Palestine has had to go through. And it’s not even a contest. You can spout settler apoligia while hiding behind the shield of moral purity like a coward all you want. It doesn’t make the situation complicated because either you haven’t bothered to investigate it or you just wanna cheer on for the settlers.

  • I highly doubt the Nazis would allow a Jewish person to be elected as president in the first place

    Why would they not allow that? Literally one Jewish in a seat of power is enough for people like you to turn a blind eye towards entire Nazi batallions. This is after I gave the example of the Obama and how a leader’s identity is not necessarily concominant with the direction the state is headed in. Similarly one picture of Utkin with Nazi tattoos is enough to convince you that Wagner in its entirety is Nazi or Nazi aligned or whatever your point is but you won’t extend the same courtesy towards Biletsky or the photos of Ukrainian soldiers with Nazi symbology.

    It ia possible that Putin and Russia are not ideologically opposed to Nazism though with the WW2 it seems unlikely. Normal people don’t believe that the Russian invasion is Putin’s holy crusade against the Nazi ideology or a Duginist quest to expand the Russian empire. People who don’t base their ontology off of Harry Potter understand that war and conflict for materially grounded reasons rather than ideological initiatives. Russia’s invasion was provoked by a US backed coup which installed a pro-US leadership at Russia’s doorstep and armed nao-Nazi militias that have been waging an ethnic war against the Russian speaking regions of Ukraine that did not accept the legitimacy of the post-coup government. It does not matter if they are Nazis or Death Eaters of whatever. The war is a response to agressive posturing by the west. Discussions of ideological and rhetorical honesty are not relevant.