If you ever get started and would be interested in a technology partner please let me know. I’m in Orange County so not too far and have many ideas for integrations that alleviate people’s concerns with apps and provide a better solution for waiting / queueing / load management (assholes charging to 100% at 3 kWh while there are 5 cars waiting). I just don’t have the business side that can handle funding / locations / hardware etc. would love to chat.
If you ever get started and would be interested in a technology partner please let me know. I’m in Orange County so not too far and have many ideas for integrations that alleviate people’s concerns with apps and provide a better solution for waiting / queueing / load management (assholes charging to 100% at 3 kWh while there are 5 cars waiting). I just don’t have the business side that can handle funding / locations / hardware etc. would love to chat.