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Cake day: September 17th, 2024


  • C’est énervant mais c’est logique.

    Le juge se doit de les traiter comme innocent tout au long du procès, et donc ça implique effectivement de « respecter leur dignité ».

    Le droit a la dignité a été consacré comme principe a valeur constitutionnel par le le conseil du même nom en se basant sur le préambule de 1946.

    C’est également l’article 1, chapitre 1 de Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne.

    Et plus généralement la préservation de la dignité humaine est une notion fondamentale et transcendante de notre système légale.

    Et ce n’est pas un droit que l’ont perd, quelque soit le crime dont on est accusé.

    Évidement ca ne mesh pas avec les gens qui veulent une exécution publique et pas un procès dans les règles.

    Je suppose que vous vous ne voudriez pas qu’ils puissent porter plainte a leur tour et en plus se faire indemniser, ou réussir a faire péter leur condamnation à la CJEU a cause de ça ?

    Le juge avait pas le choix.

  • Technically the left didn’t win the majority of seat in the parliament. They have a relative majority as in they are the biggest group in parliament by a small margin but they don’t have the majority needed to make a stable government.

    A majority vote from the parliament can oust the PM and his government.

    If you take all the right wing parties, they hold the majority of seats (2/3rd). A left leaning government would last 48 hours, so in spite of french leftists telling everyone they “won”, they didn’t.

    Our electoral system is very flawed though and the current make up of the parliament is not representative of what people want, there are much better voting system for plurality based political system that could be implemented.

  • I wasn’t thinking of an AI generating the world map and dungeon. I was more thinking of an AI driving the agency of world actors. It doesn’t have to have a complete theory of mind, a reactive AI or limited memory AI, aka “chess engine” could “simply” drive the opposing faction.

    We could imagine a war scenario, where the AI plays one side and the players the opposite and the effect of war would naturally change the world. That town where the wiki tells you you could buy that cute horse? Well too bad the AI invaded it or reduced it to rubbles. The HQ where the commander is supposed to be, well it moved back 20 clicks after the last player attack, etc…

    The AI doesn’t really need to understand the purpose of its objective.

    Of course it’s a frigging huge undertaking, it would probably cost the GDP of a small country and need it’s own nuclear powerplant to run (hello Microsoft!) but not impossible with today’s tech.

  • That reminds me, I haven’t experienced a MMO that was successful at fostering a community since asheron’s call for the reason you describe.

    The game didn’t have any of the “quality of life” features you can find in modern games, no fast travel, no markets, no difficulty indicator, if you wanted to travel to another region, it was a quest in itself or you’d have to beg top levels players to escort you there or open a portal for you, and since you could only hold a single portal to a location if you were a high enough level mage (I think) it wasn’t that easy to find.

    Death was punishing, you’d lose most of your gear and you’d have people begging for help to retrieve it on every village square and because that actually mattered, it’s something you could do out of good will or for a fee.

    The only way to get good gear was to get it from player who could craft, and since crafting was bitch to level up, guilds were the only one who could afford it.

    Oh and that’s not really a part of the game, but internet was young and games didn’t yet have hords of people dissecting game and dumping every possible details on wikis or at least not as fast. So actually discussing quest, place and strategy with people mattered.

    PVP was rough, no level limit, barely any zoning, a level 60 could camp your noob spawn and grief you forever, until you asked your guild for help and it turned into a week long manhunt to punish the griefer.

    To be honest I don’t remember if the game has quests, a few I guess, mostly forgettable, most of the good memory I have from the game were from player induced adventures.

    The game did eventually end up having all the tools you’d expect a community to build including XP allocation optimiser for cookie cutter built and a large database, which fucked it up, people would race their glass canon to level 60, kill a couple of the highest level monsters and get bored.

    I wonder how you could build a game like that nowadays without the community ruining it with a wiki.