• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • I’m far left, but I actually don’t hate on the 2nd Amendment. It was a pivotal moment in US history, fortifying the power of the people and its rule over government.

    But at the time the 2nd Amendment was written, the most powerful weapon that the average person would have had access to was the flintlock musket. The flintlock had a relatively short effective range of around 50 to 100 yards and took time to reload after each shot.

    It would stand to reason that much stronger laws are required to compensate for the amount of fire power available to people now.

  • Seems like it’s not as cut and dry as the headline suggests.

    According to Apple, there’s more to this story, and it thinks it made the correct decision. The iPhone maker said Appstun’s app repeatedly tried to mislead users into thinking that it offered features and functionality that it didn’t support and also marketed the app with deceptive ads, leading to negative app ratings and reviews.

    Among the complaints from end users was that the custom animations or images didn’t work like real watch faces as they had hoped.

    “I bought this to get what looks like a Rolex watch face … it’s not a face it’s just a picture … hands don’t even move,” wrote one customer. “Does this company have permission from Rolex to do this? I took it they did but I doubt it. Pure scam to get money from people. I want a refund it’s not acceptable. I will also report to Rolex and see if they do anything.”

    I’m willing to believe that maybe the developers were trying to build an app that really did work like a watch face with more features, but simply didn’t have it fully baked before submitting. Then it seems as though they went all in on pushing it through anyway and possibly paying for fake reviews.

    Multiple complaints in the reviews indicated the app didn’t offer the watch faces it advertised and others questioned how the app could have 4.4 stars when so many of the written reviews were negative complaints.

    Sounds like some bad management choices at best. At worst, they were negligent and fraudulent with their product offering.

  • WD, in turn, claimed the firm had not infringed Suess’ patents

    So did they or didn’t they infringe? The article doesn’t say. I imagine MRT disassembled some drives to examine for infringement.

    It is also possible that these hundreds of employees across the globe working R&D for Western Digital may have developed the same, or nearly the same, technology. But then MRT filed first if they were awarded the patient.

    Given the track record of memory and other computer parts manufactures, I would say it’s more likely that they’re simply lying through their teeth.

  • No, I think it’s, maybe, a little bit different. So, I’ve known him a long time indirectly, not directly very much, and he was always of white heritage, and he was only promoting white heritage, I didn’t know he was orange, until a number of years ago when he happened to turn orange, and now he wants to be known as orange. So, I don’t know, is he white or is he orange - but, you know what, I respect either one