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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023

  • do you find youtube format videos easier to digest?

    Id also say dont be too hard on yourself to get through theory quickly, theory takes an entire lifetime to digest and understand as often reading it isnt enough, you need to read it then go out and expeirence life and then understand how it fits into it.

    I would say even one page of theory a day is enough, build it up slowly over time and dont rush yourself.

  • The intervention also lead to many innocents (like the chinese embasy) being targetted and bombed by US forces.

    I do agree that the intervention was likely needed in this case, but that intervention should not have taken the form of carpet bombing as it ended up killing people completely not involved in the conflict; Clinton even apologised for this and recongised it as a negative.

    The tensions have never went away however, the campaigns of mass imprisonment have only put it to sleep for a while and if recent tensions are anything to go by, they are likely to escelate again.

    My sources on this are reading and being friends with a few people who grew up through this war, it is a harrowing one and I would say that often times its better to have ‘no opinion’ on matters concerning this unless you have personal stakes in it. Thats not directed at anyone in particular, just more towards americans who use this conflict to score cheap points.

    Source; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_bombing_of_the_Chinese_embassy_in_Belgrade