Which happens with most engines. UE5 is an update version of UE4 and so on.
Sometimes youll need stuff like this. Rail maintenance cant always be done using overhead lines, since the machines will get destroyed by electric breakdown(?).
Some parts are not electrified yet, some cant be without major work being done to the track.
It is not ideal, but sometimes you cant do it otherwise, or you’d have to cut of some parts, imo its a useful way to bridge gaps.
Im having fun, but i enjoyed FO4 and TESV. Vanguard quest was quite good, main quest a bit meh, but im getting what i wanted.
3D printers, furniture, sim racing setup, camera gear, electronics.
Seriously, a set of allan keys and some torx bits are basic tools.
The instructions on the Web are pretty good, unless you start messing with Tons of mods, but thats your own fault.
Kreuzschlitz gibt’s net. Entweder Kreuz oder Schlitz.