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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 18th, 2024


  • I’m not sure there’s going to be enough gameplay for me to play the whole thing, but it’s included with PS+ (extra?) and it’s definitely a nice looking package. I really like the color palette and just the way they’re approaching the visuals early.

    Edit: I’m up to chapter 3. The top down feels similar to the 2D Zeldas. There are puzzles that have been basic so far but feel like they have a lot of potential. There’s side scrolling platforming. There’s some 3D platforming. There’s some insta-fail stealth (which I’m generally not a fan of and don’t love here either, but think little nightmares).

  • The point isn’t “it’s their fault”. But it changes the dynamic.

    An enthusiast community can, for good and bad, largely self regulate. It’s easier to keep corporate interests either out, or engaging on your terms.

    Once the community grows to include a high enough proportion of casual participants, that ability goes away, because manipulations that don’t work on inquisitive expert audiences do work on less informed ones, and less willing to question. It’s harder to establish who actually knows what they’re talking about by reputation, it’s harder to weed out the trolls from the naive, and it’s just generally harder to keep the focus of the community where you want it to be.

    Corporations are one of the groups of bad actors manipulating that difference in dynamics, but the dynamics are different because of the large influx of people who don’t understand as much and aren’t trying to.

  • Yeah, there’s a reason any movie attempting 3D CG with any budget at all has used path tracing for years. It’s objectively massively higher quality.

    You don’t need upscaling or denoising (the “AI” they’re talking about) to do raster stuff, but realistic lighting does a hugely better job, regardless of the art style you’re talking about. It’s not just photorealism, either. Look at all Disney’s animated stuff. Stuff like Moana and Elemental aren’t photorealistic and aren’t trying to be, but they’re still massively enhanced visually by improving the realism of the behavior of light, because that’s what our eyes understand. It takes a lot of math to handle all those volumetric shots through water and glass in a way that looks good.