★ Comrade Coyotl ☆

Just a ☭ furry artist, enjoy!

Coyotl: Nahuatl (uto-aztecan language group) word for Coyote.

Digital Illustration || Animation || Comics

DM me for inquiries about collaborations/requests/commissions

All funds will go directly to my “move to China” efforts~

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2023

  • Sorry buddy but the brim drain is real and only getting worse:


    No educated person wants to live in a society where college shootings among other mass shootings are regular.

    Your main point is a lie, is all I’m saying.

    You have no proof to back it up, nor are you actually engaging at all with any of the information or examples I provided that disprove that the rest of the world is somehow worse than the USA. The places that are, are only so because of decades of war, colonialism and resource extraction, the recent wars in the Middle East- iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Palestine are just the most recent examples.

    If you’re too much of a coward to engage with information outside of your western liberal bubble because “oh no Lemmygrad” than it only further proves my point, you have nothing and the United States is the worst of all the shithole countries.

  • Considering the United States is responsible for the majority of wars that have happened since WW2 and the pentagon is the worlds greatest emitter of greenhouse gasses, we’re the only country whose ever used Nukes, also the country with the most nukes, I think your concern for “cultural” differences is completely conceded, and ignorant, also probably coming from a place of overt or subconscious racism, which is sadly typical of westerners, especially Americans. America is so comically evil it makes North Korea look like a puppy (and I don’t but this axis of evil crap, America is the great satan).

    There are plenty of places more “ethical” in the global south than the west- which again is mostly responsible for the planet burning down and endless global war- and they all pretty much align with Palestine. Not to mention Mass shootings and endless police violence is deeply rooted in settler colonialism, and ever present in colonizer and colonized countries. The west is a miserable and pathetic place, with awful values that constantly tries to hide behind a veil of homonationalism while being responsible for intentionally creating the most terrible, genocidal regimes abroad, like Israel. All y’all can do is cope, and seethe while the scientists brain drain off to China.

  • Ah, word. It’s what most US-ians in movies sound like because of hollywood and therefore it’s mostly what folks consider “American English”. It’s not the default though, because there’s also western/texas/deep south english which is your typical cowboy to hillbilly range of accents seen in wild west movies, or when coastal libs do that annoying thing here equating all southerners to inbred reactionaries. The Midwestern accent is a bit on the stereotypical Canadian side, at least to me, and the New York/Boston/New England accent is also sharply distinct. AAVE (African American Vernacular) can also differ among regions and is different from how non-Black US-ians talk in many cases.