argumento :socialiststar:

Hago diseño, echo choros, leo cosas, juego videojuegos, y a veces no hago nada.

he/him/they/them Pronombres masculinos o neutres.

#comunismo #anarquismo #socialismo #Marx #agitprop #inkscape #GIMP

  • 4 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2021



    Where I’m at, when the Europeans came, they decimated our population, put those who survived either on chains or at their service, robed all the gold and silver, taught us for centuries to hate ourselves over being brown, and imposed their beauty and cultural standards as superior, and when we finally thought we kicked them out, they remained the owners of everything via capitalism and imperialism. So I really wouldn’t know about this “multicultural Europe” of yours.


    1. Argumentum ad populum and fallacy of authority are not the same, you pompous prick.

    2. You are making general opinions on a book you haven’t read, based only in your inability to grasp the title.

    3.You wouldn’t call a book titled “History of World War 2” biased. Why do you call a book that tells the story of the 100 years resistance to colonialism in Palestine biased? It was a war, by any definition