Nasser got to the ref.
Nasser got to the ref.
Vini is not playing out of position, check his heatmap. He is literally playing like a left winger, even though he is not supposed to. That is one of the reasons why our entire structure in attack was so ass today. Earlier in the season he played more inside, but if the game doesn’t go his way, he just defaults back to doing what he knows and sits by the sideline, waiting for the ball. Rodrygo is wandering around trying to get involved, because jude plays on the left side too. Our right side was completely dead after Fede came off, which was just a wierd as fuck sub.
Both of them are supposed to play as a striker, with licence to roam around. Vini goes to the touch line like he is a left winger, Bellingham is playing on that side aswell, so Rodrygo goes there also, just to get involved. The entire structure was fucked today.
Vini and Rodrygo are a problem. People are singling Rodry out, but Vini wasn’t any better. VIni also straight up plays like a left winger, even if he is supposed to be a striker, he does not unterstand what he is supposed to do and Rodrygo just gets lost roaming all over the pitch, trying to get involved. It is so bad.
Holy shit, this ref is chalked.
What i find interesting is that this is nothing new. Real madrid had to knock man city out in the qualifiers just to get to the gs 2 seasons in a row. Why the outrage now?
Ten Haag needs to be put out of his misery. Just sack him.