• 58 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Distraction from what actually happened here…

    The initial “he had a knife!” was a distraction, certainly. But now it brings us back to the meat of the matter - the NYPD lies on impulse about everything in order to cover their asses.

    At this point, who even fucking knows if he actually jumped a turnstile or if the police just decided to chase after and harass a guy who’d legally paid his fare?

    These stories will get closer and closer to you.

    I’ve got family in Manhattan and Queens. Fucking horrifying to think one of them might have been caught in the middle of this. Unfortunately, my NY family cannot stop having a hard-on for the cops. Given the deluge of far-right media around the incident and the degree to which the lies of the police are embellished and added on to by even less reputable talk radio goons and social media crackpots, I doubt this will change their view of what happened.

    A demon-man used his magic knife to force two police officers to shot into a crowd, and only the brave champions of law and order were able to stop him.

  • None of the above conditions apply to religions in general…

    Or any kind of philosophy, for that matter. You can always play at God of the Gaps and insist the scientific worldview is incomplete. You can always lean on the Gödel’s incompleteness theorem to assert a certain amount of unknowableness in the universe.

    Does that mean every effort at understanding the world around us is pointless? Or does it mean the task of building a working model of the universe is more difficult than any single lifetime - or civilization’s worth of lifetimes - can hope to accomplish?

    if one of them is right in someway, it would 100% be a matter of perspective and context

    Which seems like it would add some degree of value to our overarching understanding of our human condition. Something worth studying and learning from, rather than casually dismissing as wrong for being incomplete.

  • But Ukraine no longer has a meaningful domestic productive capacity. This war is entirely the result of foreign countries funneling weapons into the Ukraine and using it as a proxy against Russia.

    That’s not a conflict Ukrainians can truly win, as Zelensky is no longer in control of the military assets he needs to guard his borders. At best, they can bleed Russia hard enough so that both countries lose (the tragic consequence of every long running war).

    The problem is all the critical targets are a long ways from the front line

    How would a Russian military respond in turn, if the targets in Ukraine have been exhausted. How long will the diplomatic shield of NATO protect supply lines passing through Poland or Romania?

  • What benefit does striking some random target hundreds of miles within Russia accomplish for Ukraine, who is slowly losing the ability to hold ground?

    The goal of the Ukraine conflict is to create a Pyrrhic victory for Russia so costly that it collapses from within. Long range missiles capable of destroying key domestic infrastructure and material reserves will (hypothetically) hasten that economic collapse.

    If you can start hitting major financial centers, administrative offices, and social meeting spaces, you might even be able to decapitate some of the senior leadership and kick off a succession crisis in Putin’s government. Alternatively, you push these leaders so far down into hiding that they can no longer effectively govern the country and foreign-sponsored insurgents can take over.

    That’s the theory of the war, at least. In practice, NATO leadership is still unsettled by the prospect of a Total War with a nuclear armed state. So they’re not quite ready to drop a long range cruise missile on the Frunzenskaya Embankment, for fear of what a retaliatory strike would look like.

  • If Kamala had tried to do anything vaguely socialist while AG or Senator, they’d have gakked her like they did Harvey Milk.

    Silicon Valley leadership wants to turn California into a fully techno-fascist dystopia. Nobody who has climbed the ladder as Dem, Repub, or Indie politician has lasted long against that effort. Harris isn’t an exception. She’s the kind of politician a state produces when anyone more liberal than Gruesome Newsome is systematically excluded from the party.

  • Even during the Reconstruction Era, Indiana was both staunchly Republican and full of the KKK. And there was no shortage of racism irrespective of party in Congress during the height of the Civil War. The myth is that the Radical Republicans of the 1860s and 70s represented the party population as a whole, rather than a vocal minority within an ascendant movement that managed to squeeze in a few good reforms before Hayes sold it all down the river.

    Republicans barely abolished slavery even with half the country in Time-Out. And they were crucified for it in elections to come.