Look at McDonald’s, ahead of its time with that lovely WST Level 2 orange! ❤️
Look at McDonald’s, ahead of its time with that lovely WST Level 2 orange! ❤️
I agree. This website has been very useful and encouraging on my language learning journey.
Maybe he thinks that more of his constituents are pro breathing decent air than pro driving smoggy private vehicles. I’d like to think he’s onto something.
Well, as realtimetrains was mentioned (It’s brill), we might as well make a list!..
I use https://traintimes.org.uk for speed and ease of use. Pre-pandemic I had a whole list ot traintime.org.uk bookmarks for different commuting routes.
Also, when stuck waiting for trains, https://traksy.uk/live/M+63+RDNGSTN is brilliant for watching your delayed train stuck at a red light.
Have I missed any others?
To build on this good answer, there’s an additional factor: How well a receiver can make use of the signal it receives.
I have both an old and a newish DAB radio. One can decode the audio pretty much anywhere in our home. The other only has stable reception if I put it by the window. It’s the same signal, but it’s not strong enough for the old DAB radio in most places at home.
Edit: This may be true for different FM radios too, but less noticeable as FM doesn’t have a “digital cliff” where the decoding just fails as
seenheard on DAB. Plus, DAB is comparatively new technology… Oldish FM radios still have decades of techy wisdom in their design, whereas as of today, old DAB radios haven’t had the benefit of time for the engineers to optimise their design.