I tune in in the last 15 mins and Empoli have a random masterclass performance lol Serie A keeps staying wild
I tune in in the last 15 mins and Empoli have a random masterclass performance lol Serie A keeps staying wild
Nah, it ain’t right to call this one off
That’s actually insane lmao
Ref looked at the time and realized he still hadn’t given Mourinho his obligatory red lmao
Never thought the top of the table would be dominated by Leverkusen and Stuttgart, what a timeline
Christian Cage, player and father of the year
Congratulations England, y’all can do whatever you want now - Italy has stopped playing.
Spalletti has a lot to answer for with this questionable player selection
Non è difesa
Why is one Inter player after another starting to lose brain cells with every passing minute, this ain’t the time for this 💀
Still have no idea what kinda death wish baldie had by coming up with this starting eleven
I mean, I like El Sha, but starting against England?
S🅱️alletti must’ve found out he used to play for Milan and immediately put him back on the bench
If this is true, I owe them Muricans an even bigger apology than I already do lmao
If this is true, I owe them Muricans an even bigger apology than I already do lmao
Fuck off Dimarco lmao what the hell is this ffs
now do that against Ukraine