• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • The bare install is pretty complicated. The docker install isn’t that bad following the directions if you are on Ubuntu 22.04. https://codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core/wiki/Admin-Docker-Guide

    I did it yesterday and it was a bit confusing which passwords to set, the directions have you edit files and kind of just says “change the passwords”… but they are all in docker-compose.override.yml file - if you start there it’s a little more clear.

    I couldn’t get it to start right on Ubuntu 22.04 and I tried deleting everything and starting over and kept running into the same problem. The database password wasn’t set.

    docker compose up

    without the “-d” at the end will show you output where I saw the password wasn’t right for the database. It was set the same in both files, not sure why it was wrong. I eventually issued a command directly to the database to set the password and that fixed the problem.

    docker compose exec -T db psql -U kbin -c "ALTER USER kbin WITH PASSWORD 'mypassword';"

    Then it all started up fine. I also figured out how to get the database on a different port than default because I normally use PosgreSQL 16 for development and kbin expects 13 in the install. So I wanted to tell kbin to use a different port. I can share that if anyone wants.