• 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 5th, 2022

  • And is China still doing any of those things? No. Was I talking about anything else but the reforms? No. Are Ultras still targeting modern day China? Yes.

    My man I am not arguing with you about Chinas foreign policy in past decades. It was absolute dogshit. But it is not like ultras attack modern day China for past mistakes in foreign policy. Heck it’s not even unusual for Ultras to support the Khmer Rouge or the Shining Path so I really don’t know where you are going with this.

  • Has anyone a genuine idea why ultras are like this? It’s not like anyone was happy introducing the reforms and taking an (admittedly big) step back but reaching Communism eventually is a process. Why is it so hard for them to realise that countries don’t exist in a vacuum. To ensure the long time survival of the Revolution taking a step back is a small price to pay when the alternative is failing and getting pillaged by the west.

  • This shit makes me so fucking angry. Honestly I will threat people with bodily harm should they bring it up in real life. Slander Stalin? Yeah sure whatever liberal. Make apologies for Hitler in the same sentence?

    You shall experience V̴͎̇͛̽̚̚͠I̸̯̮̳͔̹̥͂́̾̚͝O̵͕͈̯̙̲͚̊̑͋̓̅̌͘͜͝Ļ̸̜̖͖́̄͐̅̇͑̈́̀̉͒̕̕Ȩ̷̫̣̻̗̰̎̆̌͋̚͝Ņ̸̛̛̗̟̘̠͙̻̘̱͇̯̬̰͉̌́͋͂̏̔ͅC̴͎̥̮̫̣̹̦͛͂̑̒͗̓̑̀̒̉͜E̵̛̛̛̙͙̳̺͑̂̃̈̀͂̉̅͛̇͌̽ͅ.

  • Yeah I know what you mean.

    I feel like 40k or B99 problems stem from the liberal environment in which they are created. In another society I wouldn’t have any problems with them. A show about silly cops doing silly stuff comes of way different in a communist society where the job of the police really is helping and protecting others instead of being the skull breakers and murderers of capitalism. That’s part of the reason why I can find enjoyment in B99 but not in stuff like the Rookie.

    B99 is almost a caricature and while it never engages in any solutions or real (read non liberal “a few bad apples”) criticism of the police. It’s comical enough for me to go “Yeah that’s fiction.” While still being aware that at the end of the day it shows racist murderers and enforcers of the bourgeois rule as funny good guys.

    The Rookie tries to make you feel sympathy for real life cops sooooo bad it’s ridiculous. It’s rather obvious that the intention of the show is to portray a “relasticish” police drama. Which just doesn’t gel with me since there just is nothing sympathetic about real life cops at all.

  • There is a big difference between changing your mind and being such a massive tool that you get whipped into a blood frenzy by the media and then drop that whole notion on a dime. All while calling those who tell you that you are being duped puppets of the Communists/Saddam/Putin etc. …

    Happend in Vietnam, happend in Irak, happend in Afghanistan, is currently happening in Ukraine and it will happen again in the next region the USA fights a war or proxy war over.

    So no I wouldn’t let them get away with “I changed my mind.”