Weight and speed. The arm itself is hefty and requires a fair bit of torque to move around and you want these operations to be completed quickly.
Weight and speed. The arm itself is hefty and requires a fair bit of torque to move around and you want these operations to be completed quickly.
I don’t like being touched in particular areas. Makes me super uncomfortable. I’m big on hugs and cuddling, tho.
To be fair, I engaged with that portion by pointing out I don’t actually believe in standing armies. So defense spending should be close to zero. But, yeah, everyone wants their pork and defense spending is free money to them.
The majority of the federal budget goes to welfare and entitlements. I’m on the “no standing army” side of things, but it doesn’t help to propagate incorrect information.
Edit: this is absurd. There’s no opinion here: the comment I replied to is factually wrong. You can’t dislike facts until they’re not true.
I don’t think greed is necessary. I’d argue markets exist to cater to human wants and needs. If someone is using an inherently fucky system (as all non-voluntary systems are to some extent) to find happiness, then it’s working at least a little.