• 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2022


  • This is just my own hypothesis as of now, based on the events and behaviours displayed:

    Project Ukraine got started in the Obama years (likely as a response to Russian intervention in Syria), and the plan probably was to have Hillary carry it onwards. However, Hillary failed to get elected and the whole thing got frozen. This is probably one of the reasons why Democrats were so quick to shout that Trump was a Russian puppet. Because he wouldn’t go along with their plans for Ukraine. They even tried to impeach him when he tried to roll back their progress at rearming Ukraine for the upcoming war. These 2 actions show how the Democratic establishment viewed the world through the lens of fighting Russia. As such, they used Trump’s presidency to stir up the US public in an anti-Russian hysteria, so they could better present the Ukraine war when it came.

    Once Biden got elected, the Project was going to get back on track, but first they had to deal with Covid as quickly as possible, because nobody would accept fighting/financing a war during a pandemic. As soon as the pandemic started retreating, then Ukraine intensified their Donbass shelling, and in February the war began.

    As things stand currently, this multi-year, multi-term project has utterly failed. If Democrats lose their elections, then the whole thing will collapse. But even if Democrats win, then there’s not going to be much willingness to back the people who orchestrated this (like Victoria Nuland or Anthony Blinken) or repeat the whole thing again on a now-vigilant Russia. On the contrary, there’s momentum for focusing on China, so that shift will probably occur as soon as this mess is over. We see the same hallmarks before the elections:

    • anti-Chinese propaganda focused on how China is spying on the West (balloons, spy stories), how China is an expansionist force (poor Taiwan, artificial islands), and how China is interfering in American politics and the economy (hysteria over Chinese investments in third-world countries, microchips, Chinese companies bribing European politicians etc).

    • constant tears over poor defenseless Taiwan

    • the US is furious at the recent African coups and will likely soon start blaming China (and Russia) for them.

    All that is missing is a “China puppet”.

    So, I don’t think that NATO will try steering shit near Russia in the near future again IF the Ukraine war is over. They still might try steering up shit with Russia right now in Ukraine. This would allow the next Democratic candidate to continue the Ukraine war, or force the next Republican candidate to continue it as well. It might also safe them face for the upcoming elections.


    • US and Turkish ships have provoked Russian Black Sea Fleet ships on patrol, using unmanned boats and dangerous maneuvers on near-collision course.

    • Ukrainian irregular units have tried crossing the northern borders and stir shit up in Russian villages near Kursk.

    • For the first time, a Ukrainian regular unit tried to invade the Kursk area in Russia proper

    • Intensification of drone strikes and artillery attacks, which are increasingly brazen and increasingly more obvious that they are performed under NATO satellite intelligence.

    • UK (and I think Germany?) announcing that they will be sending instructors in Ukraine to train new Ukrainian units, essentially turning British (and German?) military personell into legitimate targets in a warring country.

  • The video I posted, and also this one are the only ones where he outright takes sides, and in the other video it’s clear he’s not a liberal. His Roman history series also takes time to talk about the people, and I’m betting his view on Julius Caesar has been influenced by Parenti to a degree. I’ve been following his channel for a long while, and aside from a video here and there, you wouldn’t know what his politics are, because he’s doing a good job stating the facts and his analysis usually focuses on sources.

    In his channel’s early days, he did a series on NATO which was pretty critical of it. Here’s the first video in that series.