Bit late now.
Bit late now.
deleted by creator
“We’re not so different, you and I”
Ikke alene i hvert fald. Det er derfor jeg er ved at tage buskørekort.
It could make a decent blockbuster though, hear me out:
Trailervoiceguy: In a world on the brink of annihilation, one monkey holds the key to survival.
Typewriter clicketyclacks and monkey ooh-ooh-aahs
Editor (played by award-winning method actor Daniel Day-Lewis): This a garbage, monkey, we can’t publish this! Earth is doomed!
*More clicketyclacks *
Trailervoiceguy: This summer, the question is…
Trailer horns
Trailervoiceguy: To be…
Louder trailer horns
Trailervoiceguy: … or not…
Very loud trailer horns
Trailervoiceguy: TO MONKEY!
Silence, then slowmotion monkey noises somehow
Kind of selfish of that monkey really.
Well, that’s a dumb password.
Gys, guf og gadgets. Af alle de latterlige koncepter vi importerer fra USA, kan jeg kun elske Halloween.
“A 45 year old not wearing a costume and strung out on Ketamine” OR a kid in the greatest costume ever?
For at lave den type løsning skal vi bruge nogle data om vores kunder, som er beskyttet af databeskyttelsesregler, og vi vil sikre os, at vi i Danmark har et solidt juridisk grundlag for at etablere sådan en løsning, før vi gør det, siger Jakob Willer.
Det var dette jeg kommenterede på.
Getting butthurt and personal over an offhand remark in a humour community is really toxic and you should probably work on that.
I trust that you can be better, my good buddy ❤
That wouldn’t fly during a code review.
You recommend using AI to produce code you don’t understand?
It takes a couple of hours to learn the basics.
I agree, you’re right about the part after the pipe and RegalPotoo’s explanation was not entirely correct.
Så vidt jeg husker bad Lebara mig hverken om min personlige data eller MitID da jeg aktiverede mit kriminalitetskort taletidskort, kun en email. Et tjek på deres hjemmeside viser også at navn og adresse står tomme.
Only the part after the pipe character. The pipe character works as an “or” operator. RegalPotoo is right.
Hot take: You’re shit at coding if you can’t do regex.
Det lyder som om det så også kommer til at koste muligheden for at have et anonymt taletidskort som nogen måske gerne vil have til… ting.
Of course he listens to Slayer. Why else would this photo of God and Tom Araya exist?