Cavaliere senza macchia, ma con un po’ di paura || 1991-? || He/Him || Mi piacciono i libri, i fumetti, i videogiochi, i film e le serie TV. Praticamente tutto quello che racconta una storia. OSMapper & Wikipedian
I agree, disused:
should be only used on the main feature tag.
Lo so, ma il titolo è un po’ click bait , visto che sembra dare la colpa esclusivamente allo Smart working.
Oppure, magari, è semplicemente cambiata la cultura per cui devi per forza bere se esci. Oppure costa troppo la birra. O entrambe le cose.
In realtà è un po’ diverso da come viene spiegato dai titoli. In realtà, i T&S di Disney+ dicono che chiunque si astiene dal fare causa a Disney ma le parti devono accordarsi fuori dal tribunale. Ora, invocare i T&S di Disney+ è stupido, anche perché penso che i T&S di quando si acquista il biglietto siano quantomeno simili.
They’d argue that he really died after the vote. “Are we sure they didn’t declare his death two days later just to cast in his vote?”
Volare (Nel blu dipinto di blu) - Domenico Modugno
I understand what you mean and I agree that in those cases GMaps is more useful. But then, if no one adds anything OSM database will always be empty. So, if you don’t find something, use GMaps, that’s fine. But then, what you were looking for should be added to OSM (after real-life checks, since GMaps cannot be used as a source) to help future users.
You can add them (Beginners’ Guide)
I’d like to see a map where the Netherlands are not included. We in Europe are not (always) car-centric but the public transport is awful in some places.
When I was younger and attended university, I spent the time on the train reading. And that’s what brought me back to reading books.
I bought Stardew Valley last Wednesday. There’s so much more than I expected. I thought this was like a farming simulator with pixel art. Boi I was wrong.
I really love the design of this app, but it’s still missing a “Older first” settings which is keeping me from using it.
I ended GTA V main story yesterday and while I decide if I want to play the online mode, I’m going to play World of Tanks (which, I discovered, I enjoy way more than War Thunder).
È un’app molto carina e semplice, ma soprattutto è molto disponibile nella correzione (anche la domenica mattina).
According to Italian newspapers, the system to prevent the collapse of the Garisenda will be similar (if not the same) used for the tower of Pisa.
A man has been arrested in Kern County, California, for allegedly removing human remains, a leg, from a location other than a cemetery.
You’re telling me that removing it from a cemetery would have been ok?
I mean, this is less than surprising. Common media in Russia tell Russian people lies forged by the Cremlin, why shouldn’t textbooks? It’s perfectly logic from the Cremlin’s perspective. Despicable, but logic.
Editing with Organic Maps can lead to duplicates since it update maps once a month. StreetComplete shows the current database so you are sure you won’t upload duplicate POIs.