They’re the best, they should be the target, and they shouldn’t be responding to takedown requests.
My Red Markets campaign was so fucking good. We had a a teacher turned politician in the zombie wasteland trying to build dual power systems before a (hopefully) coming revolution, a horror druid zombie army, and totally-not-CIA sabateurs. It was rad.
the thing about whack a mole is you, the player, do not get to decide if more moles pop up.
also, yeah, i’ve never heard of this and the fuckin piratebay is still up. i literally tell my students to use torrents and a vpn for anything they cant afford and might want to watch for class.
I’ll take anything with a GUI instead.
I can’t tell the difference between the highest, top tier audio and like, decent audio, but shitty tv speakers or headphones and such absolutely kills me.
think you might be lost, bud
I didn’t care for Interstellar, but destroying 70mm prints is fuckin heresy.
I haven’t used linux in a good minute, but for some reason I was under the impression that it hated AMD gpu’s?
I hope so
so in 20 years when its released, we’ll have a lukewarm statement on homelessness being “not nice” in a videogame marketed by sexualized trans bodies. awesome, thanks bros
I remember reading back when this came out that it was pretty good for an overly horny hack and slash
ngl I feel like this might actually be good.
A chilli cheese dog would hit so fuckin hard right now
I’m in this picture and I don’t like it.
Thankfully nobody that owns a yacht is a victim
For YEARS my google calendar was spammed with “FUCK MY PUSSY @2PM (insert dangerous link here)” type shit but like a dozen people reading some amateur smut gets flagged immediately.
The only reason I have game pass is because I got 6 months free with my new pc.
Checks out.