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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 22nd, 2023


  • As much as I think that the right is going to split after trumps loss, I think they’re also more cohesive than the left is by far.

    i highly disagree. There is a fundamental divide in how the parties manage. The left is more bottom up, and the right is more top down. It’s much easier for the right to appear “unified” but it’s much easier for them to also fracture, we’re seeing this be a problem in the house already.

    Whereas on the left, it seems highly disjointed, but it’s relatively homogeneous. We have much more flexibility when it comes to “unifying” as a party, than the republicans do.

    if trump drops out there are two primary paths that are taken, trump runs as a third party, pulling like 20% of the vote, while a primary candidate pulls most of the votes, or a replacement for trump, who is more likely to be less inflammatory than trump, and more moderate, who maga people aren’t very likely to like. But might vote for in large numbers.

    Regardless the entire MAGA base will collapse overnight and have to find something new, likely fracturing in the process, so i would expect to see a lot of turnover in the house and senate in the years after trump drops out long term, assuming he does.

    I think your general assumption is correct, but i think you’re forgetting about rhetoric and public image. People who think cats are being eaten by Haitians in ohio are simply going to have a different worldview from those who don’t and just think it’s a “meme”

  • my main point was that accuracy matters a lot less with fahrenheit, because it’s so much broader. a range of about 10 degrees fahrenheit is the average subjectively experienced “change” in temperature, at least on the higher end, where there’s more difference between the individual numbers. On the cold side there’s a lot less variance as it meets at about -40 in both systems.

    In any case neither scale runs out of numbers high or low

    this is very true though, hard to run out of numbers when you can just make more up, although there is an ultimate limit in either direction, due to what temperature actually measures. That’s a physics thing though.