It’s funny, I’ve very recently had pretty much the opposite experiences with the Teams/Zoom reliability.
I had and interview project, and and in about 50% (around 15 out of 29-31, something like that) of the cases Teams calls failed pretty much in the beginning due to some technical problem, almost always the problems coming from the other end, on 1 case something unexplainably went to shit on my end (suddenly no sound or video), and I think of my self being pretty tech savvy on the user side. We had to fall back to phone calls for those “It’s just Teams, no problems, I understand” cases.
In the Zoom calls, 5/5 worked without issues.
Wonder why this is such recurring issue. I mean, havent Microsoft poured hundreds of millions of euro/dollars into the app/infrastructure? Where is the money going?
It could be used to other warfighting capabilities by a small nation eg. cyber warfare, instead of tanks, artillery and other traditional systems.
Edit: Also one might hope that those kind of technical skills might also be of use in the civilian sector, in dual-use sense.