Imnecomrade - pronounced “I am any comrade”

Techie, hippie, commie nerd

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I am looking forward to getting the PinePhone because it has the power of the Linux desktop (though you are limited to applications supporting the ARM architecture, which is still quite a lot), it has a nice clicky keyboard accessory, it has hardware killswitches in the back of its interior, it uses gorilla glass, I finally get an SD card slot again, and it is a very versatile little machine (you can run a Java Edition Minecraft Server, try doing that on an Android) that is more freedom respecting and is well supported for repairs and maintenance. I honestly don’t like most android apps and their style, and I miss my Linux computer when I am at work, so this will be fun to play with. I plan to install Gentoo on the device and use crossdev to do the compiling on my main machine so I avoid burning up the poor thing. I also plan to get a PineTime, which will work nicely with the PinePhone, and it’s only $27.

  • This is pretty good timing for this topic, especially here on we have been bringing this topic up multiple times.

    PSL’s candidates Claudia & Karina even mention how income would be capped, though they do mention locking up war criminals and Wall Street con men (which would still be under a prison system designed for rehabilitation and reeducation):

    All income and assets over ten million dollars would be subject to a 100% tax – with no exceptions or loopholes – as would all offshore corporate profits. All debt from student loans, bail bonds, medical and utility bills would be canceled.


    Nothing I could find, plus they are based in Ireland, so maybe not?

    I haven’t found anything for Ubuntu/Canonical (based in London, UK) yet, but apparently SUSE (based in Germany) does the same as Fedora/Red Hat (based in US):

    Export Control Laws:

    Software and Materials available on this Website are subject to statutes, orders or regulations which impose embargoes or control the export of goods, technology, software, supplies and services, including weapons of mass destruction and arms, military, paramilitary and security equipment and dual-use items (items designed for civil use but which can be used for military purposes) and certain drugs and chemicals (“export controls”). No software or Materials from this Website may be downloaded or otherwise exported or re-exported in breach of the export controls of the US Government or the UK Government and, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, no software or Materials from this Website may be downloaded or otherwise exported or re-exported: (1) into (or to a national or resident of) Cuba, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, North Korea, Iran, Syria, or any other country to which the United States has embargoed or restricted goods or services; or (2) to anyone on the U.S. Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Commerce Department’s Table of Denial Orders; or (3) by or to anyone whose export privileges has been suspended, revoked or denied, in whole or in part, by the Bureau of Export Administration of the U.S. Commerce Department or any other U.S. Government entity or agency; or (4) in breach of the UK’s Export Control Order 2008 (as amended); or (5) for use in the design, development or production of nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons, or missile technology, or any other prohibited use.

    By downloading or using software from this site, you are agreeing to the foregoing and you are warranting that you are not located in, under the control of, or a national or resident of any such country or on any such list. You may not access, download, use or export the information, software, products or services contained on this Website in violation of U.S. export laws or regulations, or in violation of any applicable local laws or regulations.

  • I know this doesn’t answer your question, but if you are looking to meet comrades, find your local communist party. If one doesn’t exist, there may be a pre-branch starting, and you should get in contact with a party like PSL to find out if there is one near you or even help start one. I contacted PSL and luckily found a pre-branch near me, and now I am helping with building it to become an official branch. I have met some pretty cool people this way. We come in all shapes and colors, and we each have our own mannerisms and come from different stages in our journey towards ML.

    If you are not from the US, I hope the same advice still applies.

  • One of the articles I had to read for PSL a few weeks ago was this:

    This is called the “carrot and the stick.” At one moment, the U.S. extends a carrot to a country, the next moment they will use the stick, the club.

    This is the same government that continues to finance the terrorist organizations trying to overthrow the Syrian government, armed the opposition in Libya and then just bombed Libya to smithereens.

    And it is the same U.S. government that is backing the fascist-dominated government in Ukraine, and then tried to set up a false hacking accusation against North Korea, another socialist country the U.S. wants to overthrow. Now new sanctions have been imposed on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

    The U.S. politicians in Congress and the President, the establishment, have had fierce debates about what tactics to use, but the objective is the same: Expand Imperialism’s reach and power around the globe. If you are failing with one tactic, use another.

    scrolls up to the top of the article

    Jan 6, 2015

    We were well aware of the US backing the Nazi government of Ukraine as their puppet for so long, and it’s surreal looking at an old article affirming this before the Ukraine war happened.

  • I watched this video this morning, and it was an eye-opener and made me appreciate China more. If the US were to crumble or become too dangerous for me to live in (and our efforts to launch a revolution in the US do not succeed), I have been considering the idea of moving to China (and hoping I have the means to do so). They are already very enticing to work for, especially since I want to be a computer hardware engineer in the semiconductor sector with the intention of making electronics to help people, unlike defense or even agricultural work (designing electronics for combines using AI technology to spray herbicides more efficiently while continuing to impose monoculture techniques across the US and further degrade our soil).

    One of my concerns was regarding China’s firewall. If I were to move to China, I wasn’t sure if the firewall would impact my ability to view blocked websites or my ability (and future hobby) to help archive important resources on the internet. I didn’t look much into it nor did I really understand its purpose. I would hear the argument that the Chinese people often use a VPN to circumvent the firewall, so this sounds already much better than the current (not abused yet) and potential tech laws in the US. I didn’t know if the Chinese citizens were breaking the law for circumventing the firewall with a VPN, but apparently it’s not illegal. The purpose of the firewall is to encourage citizens to use their own country’s software, hardware, digital spaces, etc. in order to help with the testing and development of their infrastructure while avoiding becoming dependent on other countries’ tech. Rich Western nations have done the same with their own resources, but now we are pointing a finger at China while banning TikTok in the US because “how dare they compete with us!” China’s firewall serves as a tariff, not censorship. When I learned this, a light bulb went off in my head, and this makes so much sense now.

  • Imnecomrade@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlAccurate
    1 year ago

    I’m not so much of a web dev, but I have a two year degree in Computer Information Systems, which is basically Computer Science (including GUI, web, and database development), though finding a job has been impossible for me, even in IT Support, thus I am going back to school to study Electrical Engineering. I run Gentoo Linux and have intermediate knowledge of the Linux ecosystem, hell even Windows now given my work experience. I’m sort of a jack of “many” trades in IT at this point, more or less, and I learn very quickly.

    Nevertheless, I figured such a project would be a fun hobby project, but I have wanted to help out Marxist organizations and websites on their technological front as well. I am super busy, however, and it takes me months to even complete my own projects. I would probably be able to help on the side when I am doing college or potentially if and when I get a job that gives me more free time (hell, even PTO, being a contractor sucks). I already have a huge and growing backlog of projects I have been needing to do, but helping Marxist and tech documentation websites preserve their content has been a major concern of mine, especially in light of Google’s Web Environment Integrity API development.

    Thank you for informing me about MIA. I had no idea they manipulated texts and are trots. I am definitely going to be wary of them now.

  • Imnecomrade@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlAccurate
    1 year ago

    OP of comment of GitHub link here. I also like RedSails for its minimalist style. A couple more examples I like (not communist but minimalist techie blogs) include this and this.

    Also, I believe this guy in Greece (who is currently trying to build a hut as he can longer afford rent) is socialist (never mind, just an anti-communist leftist, but I still like some of his ideas), and he’s an emacs user and contributor (as a philosopher who started off with no understanding in technology, interestingly) who made this nice, minimalist website.