• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • No, I wasn’t looking for a debate, I was just posting my unpopular opinion, you know, like how the sub is meant for?

    I don’t care what you use, as long as you have fun. To me, I use both, but I find controller to be easier solely based on the barrier of entry like how I commented elsewhere.

    I don’t care about competitiveness, form factor, or anything else everyone seems to assume I care about. I know about aim assist too and I know it works, I know it’s in games that allow players to use controllers, however does it really matter? All I care about is ease of access. If I were to want to play a DM of any games, on mouse and keyboard, I’d have to warm up my hands, or crack my knuckles and loosen them up a bit, practice aim training and everything. On controller, it’s pick up and play.

    Based solely on ease of access, I find controllers to be better.

  • I’ve been switching between iPhone and androids for quite some time now, I have an iPhone 13 and I’m going to be keeping it for a very long time.

    You have to realize something: sure, you may have already been in the apple ecosystem with your Mac, however laptops and phones are wildly different. From what I’ve found, androids only work because it’s open source (or at least more so than iPhone) and iPhones work because, well, they just do. You can’t expect something from one ecosystem to be the exact same as the ecosystem you’re in. That’s like saying you want your windows phone (gone but never gotten o7) to run the same apps and have the exact same work flow as, say, a Samsung, or using the windows phone and not using the tiles. It just doesn’t work.

    Your expectations are too high for an iPhone. Androids are built to be customizable, but everywhere else lacks. You can buy an older android phone but good luck getting it to work out of the box. iPhones Just Work™️

    Let me go down the list real quick:

    Optimization: kinda went into it already above, see “don’t expect something you’re used to on one phone over the other”. It just works.

    Customization: sure, apple is slow at adding features and we probably won’t get customization for quite some time (took them how long to add widgets), however with how secure and good it feels to actually own an iPhone, like you’re holding something premium? I’d rather have that than internal customization.

    Privacy: you know Androids are just as bad if not worse, right? Look at Huawei. At least apple has the decency to tell you up front what they’re doing.

    Modifying text: see this is a weird one for me because I have really large hands and I can easily select the middle of something I’ve typed and edit it, and also on a webpage if I want to copy some words, and I miss, that’s on me. The only times where I’ve failed is when I know I’ve missed it due to fat fingers, and even then I hold the space bar and glide my fingers across the keyboard to guide the cursor where I want to go.

    Maps and navigation: I think you’re just using the app wrong, I don’t know how google maps reacts but at least on Apple Maps if I start navigation, and lock my screen, and turn the screen on for the navigation system, yeah, that’s gonna happen. You’re gonna have to unlock the phone and go into your maps app for it to work. And this also depends on your call settings too, if you have it for banner or alerts.

    In conclusion: iPhones are different than androids, you’re used to an android so you’re going to expect one manufacturers phones to be exactly like the other. Give it time. You’ll get used to it and once you do, you’ll never go back.

  • I was permanently banned from Reddit for saying something about Robin Hobb’s series Assassin Apprentice that it was gay and had a non-binary character, proceeding to say I’d never finish it because of that.

    Or I’ve seen countless people get banned from Reddit saying to keep the kids out of the lgbt stuff.

    I remember saying before I got banned that I didn’t really agree with pride, mainly because international men’s day is also in June and ever since pride was a thing, that’s been glossed over. So I was upset about it and I remember I got a lot of hateful comments for even bringing it up.

  • I’m pretty sure I’m in the minority but it doesn’t make sense why these elitists are so upset. It was bound to happen eventually. Then they say the official Reddit app is unusable? It’s functional, it probably works better than half of the third party apps do anyway.

    The only thing I’m upset about is the developers lost well earned money and their time and effort to make these apps only for them to shit the bed. But let’s be real: nobody’s really going to quit Reddit. I joined lemmy because I wanted a new social media app and I’m going to be using it alongside Reddit. Will I use Reddit more than lemmy? No, probably not. Will I use lemmy more than Reddit? Also no, probably not that either. I’ll use them side by side.

    It’s kind of a shame that lemmy has mods though, from what I’ve been reading up on it, I thought it would be better than Reddit when it comes to freedom of speech. But just because it’s “federated” doesn’t mean you can’t say whatever you want. It just means it’s not owned by anyone in particular.