Thanks! It had an odd but kind of comforting vibe to it I enjoyed when we were there, hard to tell from the picture with the sunset putting off warm tones but it was actually pretty chilly out. Didn’t catch Rexy, I think we did go down A1A and it was a nightmare finding parking lol first time in Florida visiting some friends that live there and they brought my girlfriend and I out, this is juuuuust a bit north of the Jax Beach pier which I actually have in another one of my posts, that one’s not a film photo though, was testing out the zoom on another digicam I brought along.
No worries at all! I’m just glad people are enjoying my work and I ran into another fellow liminal space fan lol I only ever really care if someone is attempting to pass one of my photos off as their own or are making money off of it without credit or something.
Beat me to it! I often post a lot of my work to the liminal space community as well, Liminal Space photography is actually how I got started out doing photography early last year, I’ve branched out a lot more since I started but I still enjoy doing liminal space work when I can find a good spot for it.
I was wondering if anyone would be able to figure out where it’s at on their own and you nailed it lol
I don’t know exactly what quality it is about photos of Waffle House, but I just love them.
It was actually! This is in a little outlet at the front entrance to the Castillo De San Marcos. We went to Jacksonville, St. Augustine, and Orlando while we were down there and saw these guys running around in all 3 cities
This was in Florida a few weeks ago, I’m from thw midwest and had never been to the state before, I knew there were a ton of lizards around and people see them all the time but I never actually knew they were invasive species!
I always grew up calling them Crab Apples until I found out apparently those are just wild apples rather than these guys lol I’d never heard them called Hedge Apples before until I looked it up more recently
Denny’s is a place that exists outside time and space, where you can still smoke inside and sometimes there’s a whole fistfight over some bitter coffee, is what it is lol
That’s about my favorite time to go, I think a lot of it comes from cherry picked videos of crazy fights and things happening at Waffle House that gives it the reputation which, of course those are the videos people see, cause they’re actually interesting to watch rather than the 99% of the time where it’s just a chill diner, and the food quality’s gonna vary from location to location too. Tbh I’ve seen way crazier things go down at Denny’s which I’ve only been to maybe 4 times in ny entire life?
I swear I may be the only person who has never actually had a bad experience at Waffle House lol whenever I go it’s always just been myself chilling out and drinking coffee with no else there other than the staff, or with one or two friends and it’s just as quiet.
Cool! It was my first time visitng Tennessee and it was absolutely gorgeous!
Just off I-24 outside Chattanooga
Thanks! Honestly it is what I was going for!
Glad to hear it! I’m lucky enough that not only does wallgreens still sell some, even though it’s only Ultramax and they only ever have a couple rolls on the shelf at a time, but the local film lab/print shop near me that I get my developing and scans done at also sells new and expired rolls, I think it’s making a bit of a comeback!
I’ve been in that area before so I can definitely see what you mean! This is at the La Cygne reservoir in Linn County, Kansas, the plant across the lake is the main power generation plant for Kansas City, MO and the lake itself is the artificial cooling reservoir for it. I always thought it was strange how beautiful the lake is even though it’s only there to serve a big coal power plant. When I was growing up in the area back in the late 90s-early 2000s I would know we were getting close to home when I saw the old red and white smoke stacks across the lake, they’ve since either been repainted or removed and replaced entirely though but old pictures on google show how it used to look back then. Took my girlfriend on a little road trip down there this summer to show her around and got this when we stopped for lunch in the county park/campground that’s also there.
Thank you!