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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 26th, 2023

  • My tipping point was … over 11 years ago now. I legit thought people were more aware of the industrial-scale horror that was enabled with every gas pump fill-up. Haven’t pumped gas in 11 years now… and it’s absolutely shocking that people still feel normal buying gas. Like, can we please stop funding dictators and corrupt companies? Any day now, people ought to snap out of it… any day now…

    I sure hope it’s soon. It’s been generation after generation of increasingly-better EV offerings, yet we still continue to have the same, tired, “nuh-uhh!” discussions in any mainstream thread involving EVs. Next year, 300-mile range now 500-mile range (what next, 700?). Solid state batteries, charging in 5 minutes, next people won’t go electric until it’s truly self-driving. Or will they? Who knows. Find out next year when the goalposts move again!

    It’s like addict behavior… people know gas is bad, but are just too afraid to let it go. Dunno why I’m so weird, I flung away from gas as soon as I had a chance.

  • mAh means nothing even in phones… it doesn’t tell you how long it could run, nor now many times it could charge a given device. It’s a d*ck-measuring contest between arbitrary numbers, that’s like the GHz race but for batteries.

    God, I very deeply wish we could get the industry to stop using mAh as a measure printed anywhere but the lowest, trivial details of a spec sheet - which is all it really is. Watt-hours (Wh) are the real measurement, where you can understand and compare real, functional data.