Can we get new oil actually? I thought we now have organisms that can break down every organic matter and thus it can not really accumulate anymore?
Can we get new oil actually? I thought we now have organisms that can break down every organic matter and thus it can not really accumulate anymore?
I am not sure if I understand you. Dissolved CO2 in water of like normal water. There is no crazy difference. If water can get to the rocks, so can the dissolved CO2.
There sure is no all encompassing, easy answer, but that is a little off. Like telling a color blind person to “just look at the color”.
But that would take far more cops to actually know people? Like in the order of one per 100? There are currently 700’000 cops, that would be 5x as many. How many people could one cop realistically know? What problem would this “knowing people” actually solve?
Why is the graph not logarithmic? Urgh
Small local police can not deal with everything tho. There is a reason for multiple “layers”. The problem arise when anyone can be police, dealing with people’s lives without any meaningful training or selection, while other professions need years of training and certificates before they are allowed to do far less consequential things.
Why is the “was” italic instead of the “he”?
The ocean dissolves a large amount of CO2, which then, just like in the rain example, can react with minerals. It can react faster if there is more surface area of said minerals.
It is not comparable.
No, absolutely not. This is increasing the surface area and availability of rocks that take up CO2.
TIG? Holy cow yes please, let’s stack some dimes!
This is really a non-issue, as the LLM itself should have no problem at setting a reasonable value itself. User wants a summary? Obviously maximum factual. He wants gaming ideas? Etc.
Rare that people here argument for LLMs like that here, usually it is the same kind of “uga suga, AI bad, did not already solve world hunger”.
Especially after the open source release of DeepSeak… What…?
Nonsense, I use it a ton for science and engineering, it saves me SO much time!
Free to pay taxes at least. Well and some other rather nasty stuff.
I thought everyone was about LLMs only copying the Internet, so how was this not one of those cases where it really just copied the Internet? Super strange article.
Majority? Where did you get that from?
How could I blindly trust anything in this context?