I would argue we also don’t want to be in a place where we rely on any one individual. Thankfully @ernest seems to understand that as well.
We must go lower!
This would honestly improve the quality of life for so many people.
Do we know if there have been any releases since the influx of users? Or are they just focusing on backend stuff still?
There’s still a lot of long hanging fruit *COUGHcollapsingthreads that would be great to have addressed sooner rather than later.
I mean yeah. Once other “financial assets” become more attractive (bonds at 5.5%?) maybe less parasitical activity will happen in the housing market. The whole thing started going off the rails when rates dropped to essentially nothing.
If you think current home owners have it bad, imagine anyone trying to get in the market now. Not only are mortgages 3X the price, but the houses are 2X the price they were before. The entire thing is completely unsustainable, and yet the Feds have done fuck all. Well no, actually they have made it worse every single step of the way (see the first time home buyers savings account for the latest idiotic idea).