I can only sms text from my home, mms does not work unless it’s the right time of day and I’m in one of two locations in my house and mercury is in retrograde while. Jupiter is in the fifth house while the fatted lamb is to be slaughtered, then I might be able to send or exeice a handful of mms before my shit goes to hell again and baphomet steals my first born. Luckily wifi calling exists or I’d have to actually pay for a landline
I can only sms text from my home, mms does not work unless it’s the right time of day and I’m in one of two locations in my house and mercury is in retrograde while. Jupiter is in the fifth house while the fatted lamb is to be slaughtered, then I might be able to send or exeice a handful of mms before my shit goes to hell again and baphomet steals my first born. Luckily wifi calling exists or I’d have to actually pay for a landline