Which wouldn’t help much, because then they would depend on the dollar, the properties of which are developed for the US economy, not Argentina’s. But for steam? Whatever, charge in dollars, it’s easier.
Which wouldn’t help much, because then they would depend on the dollar, the properties of which are developed for the US economy, not Argentina’s. But for steam? Whatever, charge in dollars, it’s easier.
Uncritical support for the DPRK in its heroic struggle to liberate occupied Football from the genocidal FIFA empire.
Idk, the millions of people dying under capitalism doesn’t seem to help much. Be it hunger, lack of medical treatment, water and imperialist wars.
Enquanto houver a lógica do lucro em uma sociedade, é impossível erradicar esse tipo de condições. Quando as pessoas são beneficiadas e recompensadas por agir exatamente assim em sociedade, elas vão continuar explorando o trabalhador, precarizando o trabalho propositalmente para cortar custos, mantendo a população desempregada para que se aceitem condições de trabalho cada vez piores e usando do estado para garantir esses objetivos. Não que o trabalho precário e em condições insalubres não existisse antes do capitalismo, mas este possibilita e incentiva que isso continue acontecendo desde seu surgimento.
Why does she look so… oily?
I can only keep up with this things on vtt’s, specially foundry.
Metal Gear Rising, really? It’s almost too obvious the game criticizes the US and specially conservatives. There’s literally a corrupt senator that runs some imperialist PMC and wants to start a war
You can purchase in foreign currency with any international card, there’s a bit of a fee though.