You definitely seem to know more about this event than I do, would you be willing to edit the Katyn page on ProleWiki? You don’t necessarily have to request an account, you can write it up as a Word or Google Doc file and I can import it afterwards!
for the sources you will be able to add them right in the text btw as we use our custom references template and will likely have to copy them from your document and redo them in our format.
You definitely seem to know more about this event than I do, would you be willing to edit the Katyn page on ProleWiki? You don’t necessarily have to request an account, you can write it up as a Word or Google Doc file and I can import it afterwards!
I wouldn’t mind! It might take me a decent while, but I wouldn’t mind fact-checking, adding sources, and doing as best a write up as I can!
Thank you for the offer!
for the sources you will be able to add them right in the text btw as we use our custom references template and will likely have to copy them from your document and redo them in our format.