“I am not going to lie on behalf of my presidential candidate, on behalf of my party. And I’m very sad that others in my party” are willing to, said Buck
Giving up your seat to someone that will do the unethical thing you didn’t want to do instead of standing up for your morals is not that much better
Alternatively, the guy turns 65 this year and should retire.
Also, standing up for your morals sounds great, but at some point in your life you’re just done with certain shit.
alt headline - Professional liar has issues with specific type of lying
I mean, isn’t that kind of how we all operate lol
“I’m used to the lies we used to tell the people” Buck admitted after a short interview following his retirement announcement. “We used to tell the people that things were OK, that we had terrorists to fight so keep spending, keep them boot straps pulled up and so on.” he recounted “But this whole baloney about Trump and what he’s been projecting, that’s just too much” Buck conluded.
(Not part of the interview but I’d like to think that’s how it’d really go)
“we’ve always lied, but this is just too much lying even for us”
Swap parties. Just go independent and caucus with the Democrats. A stronger way to finish out his final term and make his point.
if you voted for Trump, you and your family can starve