• No_Nick_Needed@bookwormstory.social
    1 year ago

    A potentially sinister turn with Hortensia…

    Either Raublut - if he’s a bad guy - eliminated her, to prevent her from finding out anything more, or - if he’s a good guy and is behaving so suspiciously due to being exceptionally cautious - wants to keep her out of whatever is going on.

    In either case, I find it odd that the first message about how she’s be gone for a while came from her, but the later message about her still being ill came from Raublut. If he had eliminated her, the first message makes no sense, but if he’s keeping her safe, why didn’t she send the second message herself?

    I’d be laughing my ass off, if after talking about the Schlaftraum Flower issue, they decided to give making a baby a final try and against all odds and expectations, finally succeeded and that’s what her “illness” is. That would be one hell of a misdirect. ^^