Following his trial for defamation of the families of the children and school staff killed in the Sandy Hook massacre, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones is using Valve Corp.’s Steam, the world’s largest digital distribution platform for PC games, to sell an Infowars-themed video game. Jones claims to have earned hundreds of thousands in revenue from the video game, yet he has refused to pay the Sandy Hook families. Alex Jones: NWO Wars also mirrors and cartoonishly repackages the conspiracy theorist’s regularly violent, hateful rhetoric despite the platform’s policies against hate speech.

    8 months ago

    pizzagate is ridiculous.

    Depends which particular claim you are talking about.

    • Hillary locking up kids in a basement … ridiculous. This strawman was invented to be debunked.

    • A pizza restaurant owner with an unhealthy interest in kids … not ridiculous.

    I’m not even sure what “claims of debunking” you even mean.

    It means the claimer is 100% sure that a particular theory is false.

    Flat Earth - debunked

    Political figures discuss illegal topics over email using codewords - could be true

    What even are the claims of pizzagate?

    • Pizza owner distributes CP from his restaurant website.

    • The Podestas talk in code over email.

    • Instagram was used to joke about child abuse.

    What’s to engage with? There are no bodies. No victims. The crimes alleged must have victims.

    You are 100% sure there are no victims?

    Child services have interviewed the guardian’s of the girl taped to a table?

    It is impossible that these people were discussing abusing kids?

    To debunk a theory, that is what is needed.

    What court is going to convict anybody on these charges with no victims? Have the jury squint at instagram pics? Please give your argument some grounding.

    OK, this is never claimed. Investigations by law enforcement to find the required level of evidence to present to a court were never conducted. Why not?

    Please tell me of a historical case (aka in reality) where a pedo ring was busted with no known victims.

    Any where images are traded. Victims are unknown but unfortunately exist.