So there’s been some media stuff about Tesla chargers going down or getting long lines in this extreme cold we’re having.

The factors there are complicated and mostly this is impacting people without charging at-home. As it happens, I’m now making a daily commute - just started in fact! And I’d like to report that my car is having no issues at all in this weather, and I haven’t even plugged it in to charge in a few days.

  • Dismal Manor
    8 months ago
    EVs have 2 batteries, a “12 volt” aux battery to run the lights and cabin stuff and the traction battery.

    My first thought was that there was a rash of cold weather forced 12 volt battery failures. They are needed to line up the HV system for charging. I hope there is follow up on this story.

    Early teslas have lead acid aux batteries. Newer Teslas have lithium aux batteries.