• Josh Rivers@techhub.social
    8 months ago

    I think those users will be “forced” to use the alternative app stores. Or at least tricked. “You must install the Meta App Store to use the new version Facebook”. “Install the Google Play App Store for iOS, now with privacy protection!” For many people the iPhone was Facebook or Twitter or something. I have zero faith those app stores will not immediately ship dozens of apps with location trackers, provisioning profiles, and “Privacy Protection VPNs” that not only diminish the user’s privacy, but use every trick in the book to attack mine as well.

    • Josh Rivers@techhub.social
      8 months ago

      Apple is not a sainted actor, but they were the ones that showed that TikTok was sending your clipboard to their servers many times a second and stopped it.

      Show me a way that only small actors with limited reach can create boutique app stores and I’d be onboard, but third-party app stores sound to me exactly like airline deregulation and “Financial Services Modernization” and I fear the actions of the rich and powerful more than I anticipate the opportunities of an open installer.

      • Josh Rivers@techhub.social
        8 months ago

        I don’t think the world should be forced to use closed ecosystems, but I think there are places where I prefer a closed ecosystem. I’d prefer it if my closed phone platform was controlled by a liberal democracy rather than a C-Corp, but functional trustworthy mass institutions are hard to come by these days. But that’s another problem and not a technology one.

        • Cory Doctorow@mamot.frOP
          8 months ago

          @joshrivers@techhub.social Great! No one in the entire universe believes that you should have to use an app store other than Apple’s.

          Unless by “I think there are places where I prefer a closed ecosystem” you mean “I think there are places where I prefer that everyone else should prefer a closed ecosystem.”

          • Josh Rivers@techhub.social
            8 months ago

            I bought a house in a place where everyone is required to meet a fire code, vaccinate their kids before they attend the school, and the grocery cannot knowingly sell food infected with E. Coli. I do not believe the entire world should be forced to live under my neighborhood rules, but I believe no one in the world has the right to build a firetrap housing unvaccinated children that sell garden food grown in their own fertilizer in my neighborhood.

            My phone is the one device I own trusted by my employer to connect to their network and download their content. It is the one platform I trust to have my parents manage their banking. There were rules when we bought them, and I don’t think making the platform cheaper for suppliers at the expense of users is 🌹. It smells like something else.