It’s good to see the environment make a statement i think its long over due…
@georgetakei@universeodon.com Aaaaand so it begins…
@georgetakei@universeodon.com Oh brother. Some of the comments are clearly blaming the effects of climate change on this bizarre claim of weather sabotage.
If I believed one side could control the weather, I would definitely vote for them.@georgetakei@universeodon.com Sorry. My bad. I flipped the Jewish Space Laser to the “snow” setting. Why do we even have a snow setting on a space laser?!!
@georgetakei@universeodon.com Of course, she never stops to consider that the inclement weather might be a sign from God?
@georgetakei@universeodon.com It’s hard to even imagine what it might be like to inhabit the head of the people who believe these things. It’s gotta be all marshmallow fluff and ketchup in there.
@georgetakei@universeodon.com How does badshit crazy rise to such heights?
Education has failed us. Government has failed us.@georgetakei@universeodon.com Perhaps trump can deploy a nuke over IA to disrupt HAARP like trump wanted to use on hurricanes.
@georgetakei@universeodon.com Laura Loomer? Seems more like Laura Looney.
@georgetakei@universeodon.com Yes, because snow storms are such an anomalous event in the Midwest, in the middle of January. And who better would be in controlling snow storms than the former governor of South Carolina?