Happy new year. This update mainly contains some user-requested features. By the way, have you tried the Subscriptions omnibar add-on yet? (Location: General > Subscriptions omnibar) I may be biased, but it’s still my preferred way of accessing magazines in a powerful and efficient way.

Notable changes

  • Added turbo mode support

KES should now be responsive to either turbo-mode or standard mode and propagate changes in both. Please report any issues you may observe.

  • Sponsor button

Added an icon linking to the GitHub Sponsors page in the bottom right of the KES panel. This is not mandatory, but helps support ongoing development. To date, two people have donated.


Expand post text in thread index (@shazbot)

Location: Threads > Expand post text in thread index

Requested by a user. Now you can open the full body of a thread’s OP without leaving the thread index. Simply click the “EXPAND” text below the post and the text will load in. Click “COLLAPSE” to revert it to its original state.

Show new threads/microblogs (@shazbot)

Location: Threads > Show thread/microblog delta since last visit

Requested by a user. Originally intended for magazine moderators and those on mobile devices, this could be generally useful for anyone looking to see if there are new threads or microblogs on a particular magazine. Enabling this add-on displays a panel at the top of the page that shows the change in threads/microblogs since you last visited. This can be helpful for quickly visualizing if there are any new updates on a magazine. On mobile devices in particular, the navbar truncates the thread and microblog links, so there was no way of seeing the total post count at a glance.

You can choose to permanently display this bar (useful for mobile devices), or display it on demand only if there are new posts (better for desktop).

Note that counts per magazine are unique to a specific instance.


This hotfix better targets inline span tags from code blocks posted on other instances.

  • Hotfix for add-ons failing to revert the background appearance of certain pages

Some pages unintentionally showed graphical artifacts in the background due to KES add-ons not unsetting their properties when toggled off.

Known issues

The improved collapsible comments add-on, part of the original KES collection in version 1.0.0, has some conflicts with kbin’s own implementation of collapsible comments. I am cleaning this up, but it may take some time, as I am not its original author.