“3 Beds, 2 Baths, No toilet”
3 Beds, 2 Baths, Freshly Washed Exterior
$70,000?!?! Idgaf, I’ll buy it.
Did you know that if you piss in the same spot regularly, the entire area will smell like piss all the time? I deliver mail to a lot of people with dogs. Many people just let their dog out the front door, where they will immediately piss 2 feet away because they had been locked in the house all day. So many houses smell like piss at the front door. And there’s nothing you can do about it once it’s there. It’ll take years for the smell to go away without serious intervention.
Don’t piss at your front door…or maybe do if you get a lot of unwanted visitors. Just know that if you do, it will smell really pissy all the time.
When you gotta go…
…make sure someone takes a photo!
Scottish comedy legend Frankie Boyle tells the story of a scene he witnessed one night going home from the pub. One guy was leaning against the front door of a house taking a piss on the door, then took his keys out and went inside!
Does it come with the pisser?
Yeah that’s Dave. He lives nearby
Why is the yard entirely just…dead? Like, not even weeds are growing in so much of that prime dirt, just a bit of grass thats still hanging on
Over shaded + cars driving on it too much + nobody caring for it to help it combat those other two issues.
$70k for a 3bd 2ba? WHERE? WHEN?