• IHadTwoCows@lemm.ee
    9 months ago

    Here’s something that maybe you don’t know about business… if you can’t pay enough to make it worth an employee’s time to show up for work then you are running a failed business. If you think that it’s your priority to pay as little as possible for the most profit, you are running a failed business. I can’t help but notice that out of all of my peers, the conservative ones were the ones who struggled in business the most, and usually went under pretty quickly. They do not survive on the merits of their value as a business. Instead they keep trying to squeeze an extra dime out by cutting throats and underpaying employees and they can’t figure out why they can never get ahead. Cooperation always beats competition every single time.

    • intensely_human@lemm.ee
      9 months ago

      As little as possible, in a free market, is as little as someone will consent to, ie as little as someone considers it to still be the best way to spend their own time.

      In a free market, not being able to offer enough wages to get labor is indeed a sign of a failed market.

      In a market with price controls (including price controls on labor), there are people willing to work for less, ie people who consent to committing their time to that arrangement, who aren’t given that opportunity. They are forcibly separated from the economic relationships they would willingly engage in.

      In the headline above, these pizza workers fall into that category. An economic arrangement that they found worthy of their own consent is being blocked from happening, and they are therefore forced to go find the next best option for them.

      They’ve been forced down the economic ladder by the government. It’s an injustice. It’s a violation of their personal autonomy. It’s a violation of their rights. It’s fucking wrong.