It’s 2023 and there are more open source, decentralized social media options than ever before like Lemmy, Mastodon, and more. However, I still find myself using some big tech platforms like Twitter and Google News fairly often. While federated social networks are compelling, the content curation and discovery on platforms like Twitter seems better for my interests. The echo chambers of Twitter feel preferable to the noise of something like Mastodon. What about you all? Have you moved completely to open source social platforms, or do you still rely on some big tech ones too? I’m curious to hear your perspectives!

    1 year ago

    reddit because the boardgame discussion on here is dead, boardgamegeek doesn’t do well unless you’re looking at a specific game (and CasualUK is pretty decent)

    Facebook because that’s where the church tech discussion is and I can sell boardgames so fast on there on the main group for my country.

    Both sites main feeds are dead to me though, if Lemmy ever picks up significantly I can see me moving over full time

    Twitter/Instagram/Snapchat/LinkedIn have all never been used or deleted.