• MeanEYE@lemmy.world
    9 months ago
    • Never ever stand next to a loaded chain or a rope when something is being towed or dragged. - If, and eventually when, that thing snaps it will cut you clean in half or cause a very painful injury;
    • When messing with wires that might be powered never use both of your hands. - If you get shocked you reduce chances of serious injury significantly;
    • Never wear gloves and too long sleeves when working with rotary tools. - If a tool catches your apparel it will pull the rest of the hand into it;
    • Don’t enter steel containers that only have top hatch (like boat anchor chambers and similar). - Process of rusting is consuming oxygen. Entering such room which has no ventilation is deadly. There’s no time to even notice something is wrong and you’ll just pass out and die;
    • Avoid painted parts on the road when riding anything on two wheels. - During the summer this is not a problem, but making a habit is a useful thing. The very first rain or frost will make painted parts be as slippery as ice;
    • Always assume everyone in traffic will kill you. - There are no safe assumptions. If a person has turn signal on, only certainty there is that they have turn signal on. Don’t assume they are turning. Wait for them to start their action, then react. This is especially important if you are cycling or riding a motorcycle;
    • Always obey the traffic rules, even if there’s no one close by. - Rules are set in place to make everyone behave in predictable manner. The fact you didn’t see anyone doesn’t mean there’s no one around and doing something unpredictably can kill you. One stupid example is when someone lets you merge but they have right of way. Doing such a thing makes it a very dangerous situation to everyone else who have no idea what to expect.
    • dasgoat@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      Wholeheartedly agree with the last point specifically. I once had a dude stop on an intersection to give me the right of way… while I was waiting for a RED STOP SIGN. This dude stopped in the middle of an intersection to allow me to run a red light, like this wasn’t a multi lane thing where he was the only lane giving me a ‘pass’ to run a red. I just looked at him until he decided he’d waited long enough.

      Dude. Just go. The light will go green for me, I can wait 20 seconds.

      • MeanEYE@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        I had that during my exam for motorcycle license, except it wasn’t a stop light, just regular intersection and we were both joining road with right of way. He was so set on letting me pass before him because I was wearing highvis vest with L on it and had a car behind me. Good for me, and him, I knew better not to listen to him and didn’t do anything until the cop from the car said it was okay.