• Cyber Yuki@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    You realize how hard it is to not gain weight in today’s society? Unless you get a good dietitian, it’s hard AF not to get fatter everyday, especially when the media brainwashes everyone into thinking it’s fats and not sugars where the problem lies. And don’t get me started into how HFCS is added to practically EVERYTHING, or how the food pyramid itself is BS and not recommended by health professionals nowadays.

    It takes a Tibetan monk with steel willforce and a team of doctors not to consume soda or the occasional snack, and to buy the appropriate food consumption choices to avoid adding to your body weight.

    And I’m not even counting heart conditions, workplace limitations, life obligations, the increasing unavailability of healthy foods for the working class, the asinine healthcare design, the toxic conditions of tap water (cough Flint water crisis cough), the pretty much nonexistent health programs in schools, and the utterly lethal suburban design which forces people to spend at least an hour a day behind the wheel to do their daily tasks, and, you know, fucking poverty fucking everywhere.

    Personal responsibility is just victim blaming by any other name. Prople who are eager to dismiss obesity as a willforce problem seriously need to touch some grass.