Sometimes there’s a performer that just adds a little something to a standard move that takes it from a regular move to something that could be a finisher…

Like Athena, I’ve been catching up on Final Battle and God damn her shotgun drop kick looks like the most vicious and impactful run of the mill move out there right now. I don’t know if it’s just her frame and the way she looks when she bends her legs in or if she’s just had great camera angles but ever since she went with this aggressive heel angle it’s been one of the nastiest looking moves on TV.

Who has or had a move like that for you?

    10 months ago

    Okada, best dropkick in the business.

    Miyu Yamashita, the spinning heal kick (the Black Mass), even Black himself basically said hers looks better.

    Petey Williams, the Canadian Destroyer. I will give appropriate accolades to Dustin Rhodes however, in a world of “Will you fucking stop spamming Destroyers”, Duntin always makes it look real fucking smooth and I still never expect it. Unlike Britt and Cole who you see it being telegraphed before the fucking commercial break.